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Helped with Depression
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Mason. "Helped with Depression: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp16927)". Aug 9, 2006.

  repeated smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
Earlier this summer a friend of mine and I had the money and time to go in on a half ounce of salvia from a well established distributor. The main reason for getting this substance was originally for its psychoactive properties. We researched the way to smoke it and decided on a bong with a butane torch. This did not seem to work very well because we were not getting very high after many tokes of the bong, just tired and slightly stoned.

We used a regular bic lighter and hold the flame just above the leaves, letting them roast before fully clearing the hit. Over the next couple of days my friend and I had split the bag up and had gone our separate ways with it. Later on in the month he called me and told me that he finally had breakthrough trip with the plant and it scared him so much he 'threw that cursed shit out the window'.

After hearing that I didn't particularly want to have a breakthrough trip anymore. (I never had up to that point, simply because I went on vacation and left the Salvia behind). I decided that my psychonaut stage had passed years ago and left me with many less brain cells and a slight case of depression.

Anyway, I thought I might try smoking small amounts of it because I had liked the small buzz it gave me. After doing this for a week or two I started to feel less depressed all of the time. I continue to smoke it to this very day and I swear that the plant is a godsend to me. I smoke enough to get a small buzz and then I don't smoke any more than that.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16927
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 9, 2006Views: 16,777
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Depression (15), Health Benefits (32), Various (28)

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