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Zooming at the Speed of Light
Citation:   Nosey. "Zooming at the Speed of Light: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp16969)". Erowid.org. Jul 26, 2005. erowid.org/exp/16969

5 lines insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
My First Experience:

Very casually one night I decided that I wanted to ‘try’ meth. A friend of mine had got some so I decided to act on my curiosity.

I bought a $20 bag, which seemed pretty insignificant to me at the time. It was issued with a warning about watching my intake as meth is very potent.

I prepared two lines around 11:00 pm and snorted one. I immediately jumped up and had newfound energy. My energy sent me to snort the other line. I had an intense desire to chill out. I sat down and noticed myself bouncing visually from one object to another. Music sounded pure like fresh spring water (much like ecstasy). For the next four hours I got into the intense speedy feeling by dancing, partying and then cleaning like I never have before. Around three in the morning I decided it would be good to take a bump. Now, realize, it’s 3:00 in the morning and I want to do more speed so I don’t sleep. It seemed so perfectly logical at the time. By the end of the night I had taken four or five lines of meth. Needless to say, I didn’t get to sleep that night. In fact, I didn’t sleep the next night either. I was still speeding along, no chance of sleep in sight. By day three I have terrible raccoon eyes and I feel my body wanting to sleep and slow down…unfortunately the meth is keeping me up and going. At this point I feel the drug is stronger than my body is. A third night goes by and I even close my eyes praying for sleep but it doesn’t come. Four days after I took my last line I fell asleep for a long, long nap.

Words of Wisdom:

There is no trying meth. You are either zooming for a day + or your sober. This is not a recreational drug. It’s a hard-core drug that surpasses cocaine in intensity. It’s a hell of a lot of fun. I had so much fun when I was on meth that I kept wanting to do more. What’s the harm I thought? I feel like I’m moving so fast and sometimes just can’t stop grinning or laughing. When my meth was gone and I threw the bag away I learned something valuable. First I went through the trash can to find the bad HOPING that there was just a little more. I’m not an addict but I sure wasn’t in the drivers seat at that point. It’s good to feel nice but it’s also good to feel tired or a little down in the dumps every once and awhile. Permanently zooming at 180 beats per minute will leave me dead way too early in life. After I decided that I needed to step back from this very addicting drug I was much better off. I still think about getting some meth now and then. Every once and a while I still crave it and think about speeding. I’m not going to tell you not to try meth but do heed all the caution signs that people put out there.

Remember what’s most important; life not drugs.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 16969
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 26, 2005Views: 24,169
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Methamphetamine (37) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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