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Not Enjoyable Whatsoever
Tryptophan - 5-HTP & Protease
Citation:   anonymous. "Not Enjoyable Whatsoever: An Experience with Tryptophan - 5-HTP & Protease (exp17177)". Jun 27, 2005.

200 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP
  125 mg oral Vitamins / Supplements
Dosages consumed / Time
200mg 5-HTP 0:00
125mg Protease 0:30

Protease is a slightly brand-specific name for a combination of enzymes which aid the body in amino acid breakdown. 5-HTP is an amino acid which is a precursor to serotonin.

I had been experimenting with 5-HTP for approximately 1 week before this episode occurred. I had not had any negative experiences with 5-HTP before this. Approximately 25 minutes after the dose of protease I had begun to feel elated, and generally good. Within half an hour or so after this I had started to feel as if I had taken a very strong stimulant. This was a neutral effect, it didn't bother me, however it was related to a stimulant effect merely in the anxiety / thought racing / irritability. It didn't give me the normal stimulating effect of wanting to accomplish tasks and in fact I did not want to do anything whatsoever.

Within the next 3 hours these effects peaked and I experienced what can be likened to a small scale serotonin overload. I had begun to experience at the peak a feeling of being hot yet cold, tired yet awake, nervous, anxious, and could not think very clearly. After an hour of the peak these feelings had subsided for the most part and my functions returned to normal. I would not suggest repeating this experiment as it was not enjoyable whatsoever.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17177
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2005Views: 10,424
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Vitamins / Supplements (231), Tryptophan - 5-HTP (196) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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