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Nothing (Good) for Me
by B
Citation:   B. "Nothing (Good) for Me: An Experience with Adrafinil (exp17208)". Mar 13, 2003.

  oral Adrafinil (pill / tablet)
This was six months ago so I dont remember all the details. After having done a healthy amount of research on smart drugs I decided to order some Olmifon from one of the online sites. I took it for about a week before I noticed any effects, which is what I had expected based on my research. When I did notice effects all I noticed was that my teeth and skin were extra sensitive, (which wasnt really painful, just kinda annoying) and my urine smelled funny. After another week I stopped because I wasnt seeing any positive results. I feel like Piraceatum has provided better results.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17208
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 13, 2003Views: 6,963
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Adrafinil (216) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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