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A Mild Experience
Citation:   Brendan. "A Mild Experience: An Experience with AMT (exp17315)". Sep 9, 2002.

12.5 mg oral AMT
Roughly 10-15mg of AMT ingested @ 4pm, after 1 hour my mood started picking up considerably, I went from being very tired (due to alcohol mixed with benzos earlier in the day) to being full of energy and very excitable, happy and empathetic. This lasted from 5pm to around 3am when I went to sleep.

Also a definate psychadelic feeling but the only visuals I got were mild, at around midnight, I parked my car overlooking the city and after a few minutes of gazing some nice kaleidscopic patterns were seen.

The next day I didnt really get a noticable comedown, maybe that's because I was drinking I dont know. Overall lots of fun, a nice alternative to an amphetamine pick-me up. Next time I'll try more.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17315
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 9, 2002Views: 4,800
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AMT (7) : Alone (16), General (1)

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