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3 Tries
Citation:   Aztec Cricket. "3 Tries: An Experience with DiPT (exp17352)". Sep 9, 2002.

6.0 mg oral DiPT
  24 mg oral DiPT
  22 mg oral DiPT
My friend and I both ingested 6mg DiPT orally with no effect.

A few weeks later 24mg DiPT was ingested orally, on an empty stomach, with minimal mental and auditory effects. 40 minutes after ingestion I became nauseous, the stomach tension would come and go every minute or so. After an hour I tried to vomit but could only dry heave air. The dry heaves seemed to be propelled by a powerful force. The task of actually vomiting was simple as laying a napkin down on your plate, signaling the end of your meal.

There was somewhat of an increase in the ability to think in metaphors, but this could have just been placebo. My voice and other voices sounded much deeper than normal; this was the only auditory effect noticeable. There was no comedown. The drug wore off quickly, within 4 hours. The next morning I had an unusual time waking up. At 9:48 I looked at my clock and thought I heard the radio on, but it was not. Between waking up and falling asleep in bed I distinctly remember a few more times that morning I thought I heard the radio on. Dreams seem unaffected.

The next day I ingested 22mg DiPT orally on a half-full stomach. I spaced the dose out over an hour and this time the nausea was tolerable. Aspects of familiar music sound more pronounced. I should note Nils Frykdahl’s voice on the faun fables cd is very pronounced. Usually I can hardly tell it’s there. My moms voice sounds much deeper than it should too. Mental effects seem very placebo like. There was very little body effect. 5 hours after ingestion the DiPT had worn off. I think I would have trouble taking a higher dose, as the nausea seemed pretty bad the first time. Dosing at this level anymore would be pointless, but it was worth trying.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17352
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 9, 2002Views: 17,704
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