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My Cat's Out of Body Experience
by Al
Citation:   Al. "My Cat's Out of Body Experience: An Experience with 2C-B (exp17448)". Sep 12, 2002.

30 mg oral 2C-B
When I was 26 I dated a woman named Marcy. Marcy had a wonderful 9-year-old cat named Nectar. Marcy had raised Nectar since kitten-hood. When I first met Nectar, I fell in love with her. She was so friendly and affectionate and beautiful. Nectar and I got along marvelously. Eventually Marcy and I stopped dating, but she and I remained very good friends.

The following year Marcy decided that she was done with the expensive hustle and bustle of life in San Francisco. She decided to get rid of all of her belongings and travel. She wanted to see the world, starting with Alaska. She asked me if I wanted to take Nectar, and I enthusiastically said yes.

So Marcy gave me Nectar, and off she went to Alaska. She spent the summer in Alaska and then headed south to Mexico for the winter. The following summer she returned to Alaska. By this time Nectar and I had been together for a year, and we were totally bonded. There was no doubt that she was my cat now.

Marcy, having gotten a good feel for Alaskan life the previous year, invited me to come visit her there. So my friend Cindy and I flew up to Alaska to visit Marcy for a week in August. I had my friend Jason cat-sit for Nectar back home in San Francisco.

My plane landed in Anchorage at 11pm, but it looked like 7pm, since Alaska gets 20 hours of daylight during the summer. Cindy and I spent a few days in a small fishing village called Homer, where Marcy was living, and we got to meet a bunch of Marcy's friends. Then a group of 7 of us (Cindy, Marcy, me, and 5 of Marcy's friends) went on
a camping trip to Exit Glacier, an impressively-sized glacier that is creeping down the side of a mountain. At the top of the mountain is the Harding Ice Field, which is 50 square miles of ice, an area the size of San Francisco.

At 3pm Cindy and I hiked up the mountain to see the glacier and the ice field, and we returned at about 11pm (which actually looks like 7pm, remember?). When we returned, a bunch of us took 30-mg doses of 2-CB. The drug seemed exceptionally strong, probably due to our high altitude.

As darkness settled we started seeing some very interesting things. At first we noticed that there seemed to be very thin lines that connected the stars. As time went on, the lines became more pronounced, and the sky looked like a lattice-work. And as the night progressed, the lattice-work started color-cycling in neon colors. The sky had become a kaleidoscope.

Nearby there was a lake of water that was runoff from the glacier. Just above the lake hung a layer of mist. We could see the mist flowing like molasses into the surrounding pine trees, and we could see the pine trees waving and morphing into the lattice-work that the sky had become. We were literally seeing the inter-connectedness of everything. Eventually we could see energy flowing into and out of people's bodies.

Marcy and I were sitting Indian-style on the ground, holding hands, talking. We saw a phantom cat race by. I said to Marcy, 'Did you just see a cat run by?' She said yes, and we both jokingly exclaimed 'It was Nectar!'

Eventually our night ended, and a few days later I returned to San Francisco. When I got home, Jason told me that Nectar had gotten sick. He said that she had been fine until Saturday, but on Sunday she stopped eating, started throwing up a lot, and was just miserable. But she was showing signs of recovery.

Saturday night was the night of the camping trip. One possible explanation of all of this is that Marcy and I (the two most important people in Nectar's life - the person who raised her and her current owner) were in an incredibly open psychic space, and for a brief moment we called Nectar's spirit out of her body in San Francisco to come visit us 2500 miles away in Alaska, and the re-entry shock of her spirit returning to her body in San Francisco was what had caused her to be so sick. I don't know if I really believe that, but it's a pretty neat theory.

Exp Year: 1996ExpID: 17448
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 12, 2002Views: 27,462
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OBE (332), 2C-B (52) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1)

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