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Too Much
Mushrooms, Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   L'il Mo. "Too Much: An Experience with Mushrooms, Cannabis & Alcohol (exp17460)". Jun 14, 2005.

1.5 g oral Mushrooms (plant material)
This experience happened to me a few years ago, although it's still the worst experience I have ever had with any drug and it's the closest to death I have ever come. I was 21 years old at the time and enjoying the beginning of what looked to be a great summer. I went to an all-day keg party with my sister and some of her friends. It was such a hot, hot day and it made us very thirsty. We drank beer all day, from about 1:00 onwards. I only ate a hotdog all day because I was excited about the party and the heat took my appetite away. So we drank all day and I had some pot on me and so I smoked a few joints and smoked a few that went around to me throughout the course of the day. By early evening we decided to leave to go to an apartment so that one of my sister's friends could meet up with her boyfriend. He was also going to hook us up with the shrooms and we were all looking forward to doing them. My sister and a few of her friends had never done them before. Me, the younger sister, had done them before, but only 3 times before that.

When we got to the apartment we were all in a good mood, drunk and feeling good but not crazy drunk, just nicely feeling good. We were told that the shrooms we were getting were mostly stems and that we should do more than we normally would. We all did about 1 1/2 grams each. Keep in mind that I am 5 feet tall, very petite and 90 pounds. So we took the shrooms and waited awhile to get the feel of them. We were supposed to be meeting back up with the partiers from the keg party at a club down the street from the keg party. In retrospect, this did not feel like the other shroom experiences that I had had, this felt really different, and we are all really fucked up. I was still enjoying myself greatly though and having a lot of fun. When we got to the bar, I grabbed myself a beer right away.

I walked over the bar counter and suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt like I needed to sit down. So suddenly I felt so tired and my legs felt weak. I looked around for a place to sit down but all the seats were taken. I don't remember what happened next, but this is what my sister and her friends were able to tell me. At that moment I was standing at the bar counter and I started to lean against someone, a stranger. The person looked at me funny and walked away. Then I stood up straight and put my hand up towards my head and my hand spasmed and I fell straight down to the floor. A couple of the guys with us picked me up and I was saying 'I'm fine, I'm fine.' I don't know why I was saying that because at the time I couldn't see anything, everything was black and I was clearly NOT okay at all. As they were walking me out the front door, I collapsed and these two big guys couldn't lift me up. They were saying that I was dead weight and I dropped down. Lying on the floor, my eyes rolled back into my head, my lips started to turn blue and my face went grey. I was also sweating like crazy all over. I remember hearing screaming but it was soooo far away and I somehow thought it had nothing to do with me. I was going somewhere far away...

I woke up to a bouncer picking me up and sitting me in a side room. It was so hard for me to wake up, I was drifting in and out for the next few minutes. They were talking about calling an ambulance although I think the bar owners were worried about liability issues and would rather keep the incident quiet. I was told later that a few customers had left the line-up because they saw me and thought I was dying. When I was finally really awake, they gave me water and I was so embarrassed for making such a scene. I had no idea how bad it had looked and tried to pass it off as just being too hot, etc. but my sister was bawling and I knew something bad had happened. I refused to let them call an ambulance, so instead they called a cab for us. The whole way home everyone looked so scared and I felt shaky, tired and not very high anymore. My sister was bawling and kept looking at me in a way that made me feel so bad. The rest of the night was without incident but I will always remember that night. My sister refers to as 'the night I almost died'. I don't even like thinking about it, but I wanted to write this in here for long as a warning to others. Don't drink excessively when you do shrooms and be cautious about the quantity that you take. We believe that the shrooms we took may have been laced with PCP but who knows. I learned my lesson though and am so glad that I didn't end my life at 21 years old.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17460
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2005Views: 11,891
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