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The Circle of Gas
Inhalants - Gasoline
Citation:   MR_XXX. "The Circle of Gas: An Experience with Inhalants - Gasoline (exp17563)". Jun 15, 2005.

  repeated inhaled Inhalants (gas)
It started with that me and my friend (lets call him X) was bored and didn’t have any weed to smoke.

'Let’s inhale some gas' X said, So we ended up in my garage with a rag dipped in gas. So I took a few huffs from the rag until I got a 'light headed' feeling. Then I passed the rag to X and Then He passed the rag to me and so on. A few turns later when I was inhaling X said: 'let’s dip that rag again' and when he said that it felt like I 'woke up' from a long dream of pot smoking and stuff.

I thought 'how the hell can I smoke weed when I can do this almost without paying any cash at all, and why am I here? am I human? what is human?,' I took a few more huffs from the 'new dipped' rag and every thing looked like a puzzle with a lots of audio hallucinations I looked at X and said 'how the hell did I end up here with you' it felt like we been sitting there for hours huffing gas but actually we had just been in there for 10minutes.

Me and X talked for a while then and it felt like the same thing was happening over and over again. The same words, The same thoughts.

'Every thing is going in a circle' I said.

Then X suggested that we should go outside and take the rag with us.

And so we did when I walked it felt like everything zoomed out and I saw my self and X pass the rag between each other.
about 20minutes later of huffing we decided to throw the rag away but first take 10 final inhalations from it (pretty hard to count when u are as fucked up as we where :)

maybe 5 minutes later we got to a place with lots of other guys drinking beer and shit like that and they said things like 'Damn, how much weed did u smoke to night' 'nothing' we said of course, they didn’t believe us 'If u are high u better get the fuck out of here' A guy said (he don’t like 'drug users')

We were 'clear headed' enough to understand that we should leave. So we left and went home to X. The gas was wearing of and we where feeling like shit the only thing I could smell or taste was gasoline. I huffed gas a few times since then but I do not recommend doing it, Because it fucks you up to much and in a very very VERY strange way to, I have never experienced any effects of any drug to be similar to gasoline.

And it’s very addicting to because its so easy to get.

And afterwards you feel like shit.

The effects where cool but I don’t think it’s worth the hangover.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17563
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 15, 2005Views: 5,408
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