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I'll Never Do This Again!
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Leo Elf. "I'll Never Do This Again!: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp17716)". Sep 25, 2002.

300 seeds oral Morning Glory
My main reason for actually deciding to try the morning glory trip was the French poet Arthur Rimbaud's amazing book A SEASON IN HELL. (Although I’ve heard of the morning glory trip for years). In this book are many delicious poems and some hints at his sweetass notion of deranging the senses for the sake of poetry, art, knowledge, mysticism etc. Rimbaud's poisons of choice were hashish, absinthe...etc. We don't know exactly the whole of it, except that he adored altered states. A phrase from the poem in question mentioned roughly, ..' extract the spicy venom from the morning glory.'

So.... unlike any of the other morning glory experience reports I read on this site, I happened to make this journey for the more spiritual/artistic/self-searching aspects. Being a university student, I tend to stay away from the psychedelics I used to experiment w/in high school, (with the exception of the occasional choice moderate mushroom ingestion) much preferring milder herbs and good beer.

On the night my package arrived, I washed 300 of the heavenly blue seeds with tap water and dish soap. I ground them in a coffee grinder. I put this mixture, whose taste didn't bother me much, in some yogurt and starting eating. While I was halfway through with this little lunch, I began feeling queasy. I figured it was just due to the fact that I’d been reading too many other peoples' experiences and it was all in my head. Alas, though, about 20 minutes after ingesting I felt the most horrid stomach cramps and severe nausea setting in. It rapidly resulted in my feeling like I’d gotten the worst ever case of the flu. Sweat poured from every gland on my body. I began retching to violently vomiting. I thought I felt better after puking my guts out. Not the case. 10 minutes after yakking I was in the bathroom again puking (apparently I still had more left) the rest of my guts out.

My roommate thought I was foolish for spending my money on something I vomited right back up. I was glad it was out of my system and I figured the potent part wouldn’t have had time to have gotten into my system. Mon dieu, was I motherf****** wrong.
I took a coldish shower to try to make the awful pukes go away.
I wasn’t feeling normal afterward but I wasn’t trippin yet either.

I went into my roommate's room and helped her get ready for a small gathering she was having. I started feeling like I was 16 again and just embarking on a nice acid trip. I then went outside into the night. I was amazed how light out it was. The clouds were moving rapidly, a storm was coming. I loved watching the trees and the clouds swaying. 2 of my cats were out with me and I started to realize I was one of them. Patterns were emerging all over everything. The cats' movements were leaving psychotic trails allover. All sounds I heard were amplified a thousand fold.

Perhaps if the raging storm hadn’t come and drenched me and forced me into the house I would’ve enjoyed the rest of the time. Inside I didn’t feel right; my roommate’s sober friends were over and I felt like I was a monster, an invalid psychopath around these people. I was talking like hunter thompson (at least how actors portray him). I had to go in my room to escape these freaks. I lay on my bed in the dark and watched the parade of patterns all around me. If only my mind wasn’t racingracingracing. I knew everything there is to know all at once. I knew all the universe's answers but not the ways to implement them. It was all TOO TOO MUCH. I was dying in my own panicky hell. It was hell. Time stood horribly still. My thoughts were an evil eternity. Existing was just too impossible. Existence was just too scary. I wanted everything to just END. If I had had an easy method, I might have sent myself back into the cycle of death and rebirth. Then the tears came. I sobbed and sobbed and was hysterical forth next three hours. I called my sister and freaked her out. The muscles in my legs hurt terribly. The whole time my entire body stayed wet with sweat.

I will never do another psychedelic drug again...probably. Definitely not m.g.seeds anyhow. I would not recommend morning glory to anyone, ever, even if you are in the healthiest of mental states. My experience was just too nightmarishly, evilly, psychotically horrific. It was the worst of bad trips and the NAUSEA, SICKNESS was mind-bendingly NOT WORTH IT. I suppose if you absolutely MUST try morning not eat the SEEDS the whole distillation process or something. I REALLY hope no one has to go through what I did. Please be careful brothers and sisters!!!

Being in a psychotic state is scary, dangerous and possibly scarring in the long run. Remember, stick to the ganj; she will always love you just right.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17716
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 25, 2002Views: 33,963
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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