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Whispers in the Dark
Kava Kava
Citation:   Hrethic. "Whispers in the Dark: An Experience with Kava Kava (exp17818)". Feb 7, 2003.

  repeated smoked Kava (plant material)
    repeated oral Kava (plant material)
One Saturday night, without having drip of alcohol, a leaf of weed or a hit of anything but many caffeine pills, a friend of mine and I decided on trying a bit of some natural substances. After pursuing the aisles at our local convenient store, we stumbled onto something we knew might help relaxation. We decided on Kava Root, a $10.99 bottle with 400mg per pill, 100 pills.

We didn’t expect the effects that we got.

After one hit out of a bong, we could feel the effects. It was a high not unlike pot, but ended almost immediately afterward. What we were left with was a sensation of relaxation and peace. We then proceeded to take down 3 pills orally with some Gatorade (his drink) and water (mine).

Through the course of the night we smoked 3 more bowls of the stuff out of a bong and took orally 7-10 more pills. For the most part, aside from a minor hallucination that I saw (the fan and TV were smiling at me for about 5 minutes out of the corner of my eye) the feeling of peace and relaxation we encountered from smoking stayed constant through the night, that is, until I went to bed.

With the lights off and my Walkman on, I tried to fall asleep. This happened for about an hour, when I woke up because I heard my door from my other room open. This was most likely because my friend was going to sleep. I turned my Walkman on again and started to drift back asleep when I heard something outside my room. I couldn’t make out what it was saying, but it was a definite hallucination of someone whispering into my room.

This happened for about 10 minutes, with the voice turning into voices of different pitch and variance, until I finally got up to see what it was. I opened the door and saw nothing out of place, no monsters or daemons at my door, and certainly not my friend.

Content with the effects this experiment, I went back to a very restful nights sleep.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17818
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 7, 2003Views: 25,717
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