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Love is Blind
by Joy
Citation:   Joy. "Love is Blind: An Experience with MDMA (exp17893)". Oct 5, 2002.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I am a 16 years old and this was only my 2nd time doing ecstasy. I had been staying with some people I'd met the first time i had rolled, which was a week before this. I was staying with P, his girlfriend C and her sister T, and J. About 40 minutes after taking the pill C , T, J, and I were the only ones in the room and C and I were sitting next to another and we were both saying 'do you feel all this love, it's so much' in sync, and we took each others hand and C and J's hands and we closed our eyes and the feelings got stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger, so intense that i wanted to pull away it almost hurt, but i didn't, tears were rolling down my face it felt so amazing and then it felt like an orgasm, but inside of me, about at my base chakra. I looked around at all of them, T and J still had their eyes closed, just sitting there, and i looked up at C and she was shaking. We just stared at one another.

We anxiously asked if T and J felt that, but they didn't know what we were talking about. So I got up and led C over to the floor, we sat in indian-style toward each other and i took her hands and held them, we closed our eyes and our breathing became heavy and in sync. The feeling came again, even stronger and more intense now, and again that orgasmic feeling went rushing throughout my entire body. She was very frightened, so she told me she had to go be w/ her boyfriend, so i came w/ her and we rested on him and held each others hands and those feelings became more intense than the last. P didn't know what to say to us, he was stunned. After that the two of them went into their bedroom, i layed on the floor, still feeling her through my body, and i felt her presence w/ me. I had went and sat on the floor in the kitchen after the loud music and the people were too much when i was coming down, she came out and told me she had felt me when she was w/ P. She held my hand and we stared into each other's eyes - I was in love with this person. I felt the most intense spiritual bliss when she looked into my eyes. I felt safe, secure, euphoric, and love after that night whenever i was with her.

We sat for a long while trying to figure out what this was- I am now 2000 miles away from her and I can still feel her sometimes. I believe that this is to that say love is everywhere. Everyone is capable of falling in the deepest love anyone and everyone. We are all people, all equal inside, and if everyone was the true being that they really are, and not surrounded and confused w/ things our society has brainwashed us w/ we would all be deeply and completely inlove w/ all one another, as we should be.

Love is inside of you

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17893
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 5, 2002Views: 17,274
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4)

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