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Close Call
Citation:   SimplyEnergy. "Close Call: An Experience with DXM (exp18159)". Oct 15, 2002.

960 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  60 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine (daily)
  10 mg oral Pharms - Olanzapine (daily)
One night I was pretty stressed out and wanted an escape from life so I downed four bottles of Vicks 40. After this I went upstairs to find some food. All of a sudden I hear a loud thud. In retrospect I now realize it was the thud of my own body hitting the floor.

I awoke several minutes later in a stuper sprawled in my pampason chair. My dad standing in front of me asking to explain a documentation I had started on a nutmeg experience on a previous day which gave a time and the words 'I took all eight pills' (grated nutmeg in capsuals). A feeling of shock overcame me but all I did was throw my hands in the air and yell 'NUTMEG!!!' with a gleeful tone.

The next thing I remember is being in a small room in a wheel chair throwing with strange people around (Later I was to find that my mum and dad had taken me to my doctor to find out if the DXM was interacting with my meds [60mg Paxil,10mg Zyprexa]). I was unable to walk or move extensively under my own power. My mum asked me if I wanted to throw up which I hadn't had the slightest urge to do until she asked me. I let my stomach rip into some tupperware container and forgot about it. They determined that there was no interaction and took me to the emergency room. I was hooked up to an IV and passed out.
I awoke later needing to piss. By this time I had gained some of my mobility back and was able to stumble to the restroom only to find that no matter how hard I tried, I could not urinate. I physically lost the ability to relax my own bladder control. I had compleatly forgotten how to relieve myself.

On the upside of the experience I had the pleasure of a very attractive nurse inserting a quite large tube into my bladder via my urethra. It wasn't until many hours later that I was finally able to pee. You have NEVER made the aquaintance of a happier man to be pissing into a jug.

Quite honestly I the most enjoyable part of the experience was the doctor who didn't know that DXM tripped the PCP test. He burst into the room slinging terms for PCP that I hadn't heard before and finally mentioned one I had. At the point of his accusation I was only able to reply 'I don't think so' with a confused air.

To put the icing on the cake I was then asked why I was trying to KILL myself as I had (according to the medical professionals) taken many times the lethal dose. Please be careful with this drug people. I almost never saw my 21st birthday.

Take Care,
Simply Energy.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18159
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 15, 2002Views: 16,163
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DXM (22) : Hospital (36), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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