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Temporary Cure of My Headaches
DMT & Mushrooms
Citation:   Triptamine. "Temporary Cure of My Headaches: An Experience with DMT & Mushrooms (exp18613)". Feb 6, 2003.

20 mg smoked DMT
  3.0 g oral Mushrooms
I have been experiencing medium to intense headaches for about 1 1/2 years as of now (11/02). I most often notice the headaches when reading, watching a movie, or working on the computer. When they are at their strongest point, I cannot read or look at something any longer. It seems as though there is tremendous pressure in my eyes or like my eye muscles are completely sore and tired. I have been to doctors numerous times, but they cannot find the problem.

Recently, I have found complete relief from these headaches by using psilocybin. Some times the relief lasts several days - maybe up to a week. I also found that DMT also works at low dosages (10-30mg). I wonder...Has anyone else found relief in these substances? Does anyone use these or other medications on a regular basis to control headaches?


Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18613
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2003Views: 11,247
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DMT (18), Mushrooms (39) : Not Applicable (38), Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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