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I Saw God
by Okey
Citation:   Okey. "I Saw God: An Experience with DXM (exp1882)". Jun 16, 2000.

750 mg oral DXM (capsule)
Wednesday night I took a trip on the DXM express. I took 25 caps of Drixol 'Cough' at 7:00 pm. It took a little over an hour to hit.... in 2 hours I was flying. I did so many things I cannot describe.

I saw God...

I went into this room. I was 'told' that it was his 'room'. I walked around a corner in the entrance... And He was standing there. I was scared to death. He appeared 50ish. with short dark hair (parted on his left.) He was not handsome in any way. But He looked distinguished and very confident, and gracious. He knew that I was scared to death. He then held out his hand and shook my hand. He said 'Hi ... have a seat'. We sat down and had some small talk. And then I was lead away. He looked slighly Jewish. More like a cross between my Father and a older Me. One thing I was made aware of.... He had nothing to warn me about... nothing to scold me about... and He was glad to se me. He seemed proud of me... and He seemed very suportive.

I saw myself... I understood my personality.... It scared the shit out of myself. Every layer of my mind was pealed off... until my first (child) thoughts were left. I saw that my current personality is basically just the way I hide my insecurities.

Now when I'm flying through D space I feel pretty safe... In fact I'm pretty cocky. Partially because of my mind training... and partially because of by previous beliefs about spirits. I may be temporarily scared.... but I know I'll be OK. Well I ran into this bald black guy. He was living on this real cool platform that contained his living quarters. There was no roof... and no completly enclosed rooms. But he appeared not only wealthy but powerful and wise. He saw how cocky I was.... He challenged me: He said 'I know you are more powerful than me... But let me show you what I know about you.' Then He said, 'Look into my eyes and I'll show you how weak you are.' I looked into his eyes.... and I saw myself again. This time I saw what a small, predictable, lazy, insignificant being I was. Then I backed away from him. I didn't want to see any more. I was humiliated. Then I knew.... even though I could kick his ass... that He could hurt me in other ways. I understood that I need to be a little more respectfull toward those that I meet in D space.

Several times my thoughts and beliefs were challanged. I was amazed how scary this could be. It seemed that I felt slightly detached from what was going on... I felt kinda safe. Then... the trip seemed to start breaking rules... instead of me watching or observing... the trip sucked me into several realitys that put be in threatening situations... and they became more real... like I couldn't tell what was real and what was a 'vision'. At one point I would live a complete life or 'life thread' in the course of listening to one song. I could barely understand how to use the remote for the stereo.

All of a sudden I needed to pee. I was tripping like a son-of-a-bitch. I opened my eyes. .. and forced my feet down on the floor. I focused and moved each limb seperatly. I moved like a robot.... very stiff and deliberate. I'm not kidding. I moved like a robot. I finally got my pee done... and made it back to trip land.

The peak didn't last too long (it seemed.) I think this is because I drank a quart of cranberry juice about 5 hours before I took the D*M.

There was lots more. I bumped into a planet (or asteriod.) The entire universe reality was destroyed... and another one took its place. I can't even describe all that I saw. Every thing that I believed in was destroyed... What else can I say.

God bless, Good Luck.... and good night.

Exp Year: ExpID: 1882
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2000Views: 32,791
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DXM (22) : Mystical Experiences (9), Unknown Context (20)

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