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Slave to the Tobacco Tube
Citation:   Wharf Rat. "Slave to the Tobacco Tube: An Experience with Cigarettes (exp18821)". Oct 13, 2020.

  repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (daily)
I started smoking over the summer. My friend smoked, and we went fishing a couple times a week. On these fishing trips, I would usually have a flavored bidi or share a Black & Mild cigar with him. These first cigarettes gave me a rush like nothing I'd ever experienced, starting at my head and engulfing my body with warmth, and an urge to sit down and relax overcame me. I loved it. Soon, the best fishing season started, and we started going everyday. This of course, meant I was smoking daily, and I came to rely on that buzz to wake me on those early mornings on the lake. Soon, I was buying my own packs of bidis and smoking them alot. Then, one day when I was starved for nicotine, I bummed a normal cigarette off of someone. It was my first real cigarette, and it was an American Spirit.

The wonderful rush and buzz I got from bidis was magnified by about 1000%, and I immediately wanted a pack of real smokes. I went to a local head shop that doesn't card people and bought a pack of American Spirits. I was nicked for good.
I've progressed from Spirits to Camels, then to Marlboros. I can't go through a day without my cigarettes. As soon as I wake up, I want one. Without tobacco, my day is dreary and unbearable. Some say that tobacco has me by the balls, but while this may be true, it is my best friend. When I'm feeling shitty, it is always there to warm me up and make things feel better. It will always be there to wake me up gently, to help me to sleep. I love cigarettes, but the truth is always the same; I'm a slave to the tobacco tube.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18821
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 13, 2020Views: 845
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Tobacco - Cigarettes (266) : First Times (2), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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