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Worked the Second Time
Leonotis leonurus
Citation:   Brass Monkey. "Worked the Second Time: An Experience with Leonotis leonurus (exp18928)". Oct 26, 2003.

1 cig. smoked Leonotis leonurus (dried)
I had tried this stuff the night before but with no effects (you'd figure sumfin wud happen off 3 cigs and 1 bowl!). I decided to give it another shot the day after and rolled up another cig and smoked away. Definately a harsh smoke but it wasn't as bad tasting as it had the night before for some reason. I didn't really figure it was going to do anything but I thought I might aswell mute the TV and crank up some music to relax a little.

The effects slowly came on, about 5 mins afterwards. By the time they where 'noticeable' I had decided that perhaps they weren't actually the effects of the dagga. I was staring at the TV, listening to the music but also thinking about something else all at the same time. Nothing extremely different thats for sure. Then I realised I had been staring at the TV and listening to the music and thinking about random things at the same time for about 20 mins . Possibly not a 'true' effect but it was sorta cool anyway.

As I was dwelling on these 'effects' i realised that my arm (which was just lying across my stomach) felt as though it was part of my abdomen. With every breath it moved as though it was a part of my chest. Then as I was thinking how cool this feeling was, i saw that everything in my vision other than the TV was sorta white and out of focus slightly. As I was focusing on the 'fuzzyness' of it, everything turned fuzzy and white for a few seconds, but it quickly passed.

After all this my experience was calming down and I was returning to a normal feeling. Reflecting on it I think that the effects where noticeable because I wanted them to be, sort of 'voluntary effects' in a way. I had read that smoking it gives a mild marijuana like experience. In my opinion it isn't at all like marijuana but gives an experience quite different and unique, short but unique.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18928
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 26, 2003Views: 12,389
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Leonotis leonurus (119) : General (1), Alone (16)

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