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Full on Stuff!
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   j sainsbury. "Full on Stuff!: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp19024)". Jan 4, 2023.

30 g oral Cacti - columnar (dried)
Well I've always been up for hallucinating and psychedelic experiences so naturally at some point I wanted to try mescaline and I thought I'd do it cactus style! It was easy to get hold of from the internet in 20 grams packets, so after researching a load and exciting myself I order 100grams assured that this would be enough to get 3 people dosed. I was right. But we didn't just get dosed.

You see I read somewhere that liquorice root used in a cup of tea before the trip may potentiate the trip by up to three times. I ground the dried cactus flesh into a powder and then separated it up into cigarette papers in order to swallow without the taste. Unfortunately I made these wraps to big and they were difficult to swallow. Even with the liquorice root-enhanced tea to wash them down with. And then one of my big wraps get lodged in my friend's windpipe and he nearly choked to death on cactus flesh(!!). This made things suddenly stop and the world seemed very real all of a sudden, we were also coming up on a very strong hit of mescaline and the night had started with a bang!

It was clear to us that swallowing these packets was suicide and seeing as we were out of the house we just decided to mix the powder into some fizzy water. Of course the dehydrated powder was given a new life and we ended up with a thick cactus-shake! It was definitely very disgusting. But I tried to think of how traditional user of these cactus try to enjoy the bitterness and dive into the taste to make it less vomit-inducing. The technique worked. But it still tasted like crap, at this point we realised that we were defiantly going to be tripping very soon, and we were nearing our destination (a psy-trance party).

We left the remainder of the juice in the street and entered the venue. I was starting to laugh at everything. It was fun but I somehow new that it was going to keep on getting stronger and it did. I don't remember much that I can explain. I wasn't scared or too tripped out but the colours and the euphoria it gave me just too much to store in my head. Everything I heard had been put though a kind of 'psycha FX', it echoed and twisted about in my mind. It was full on stuff.
Everything I heard had been put though a kind of 'psycha FX', it echoed and twisted about in my mind. It was full on stuff.
The night passed and the sun came up. This was approximately 7 hours after ingestion of the cactus and things showed no sign of slowing down.

We went outside and things were going on everywhere I looked. Just a simple newspaper would be breathing, the letters jumping about the pictures moving like videos. Every word someone spoke sounded like music. I was sure we still had trance playing outside. People's faces distorted into seas of kaleidoscopic madness. How were we gonna get home and fit back into life? Well I can't say I did. I still feel tripped out 2 weeks later. I do not feel the need to take psychedelics for a long while. I have seen what I need to see! The cactus deserves respect!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19024
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2023Views: 530
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Glowing Experiences (4), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), General (1)

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