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Bad Tasting Money Wasting
Citation:   Purist Love. "Bad Tasting Money Wasting: An Experience with GVL (exp19202)". Dec 4, 2002.

5.0 ml oral GVL (liquid)
It's been a long day, I've had sinus problems all day, and been somewhat zonked from a combination of not not feeling good and taking sinus medicine. Around 11:00 I had taken a Tavist-D which was making me feel pretty drained.

2:00 Mix 5 ml of GVL solution into a shot glass of water. I have never tried GHB or GVL. Because my insomnia has been getting steadily worse over the past year, I'm hoping that this will be an effective and legal sleep aid.

2:05 Make first attempt to drink the foul stuff. Take half the shot then chase with coke. Tastes like moonshine that has been allowed to dissolve a plastic container. The aftertaste is worse. The sweet coke smothers the taste for a minute, only for it to emerge more prevalent than before.

2:10 Finally managed to force myself to drink the rest. Throat tried to close up to prevent me from swallowing this.

2:20 Rash/flushing that spreads out over my body. Feels and appears very similar to a Vitamin B6 overdose.

2:25 Flushing gone

2:30 Convinced I 'feel something.' Light-headed, moderate relaxation. A friend who has tried GVL before tells me it is probably placebo.

2:45 Not really feeling anything at this point, that can't easily be attributed to prior medication, etc.

Conclusion: A waste of time. Tasted absolutely horrible, no discernible effect. Diphenhydramine is definitely a superior sleep aid, as at this point (3:30) I'm more awake than when I dosed. Glad that I got a trial dose before purchasing.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19202
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 4, 2002Views: 21,308
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GVL (214) : General (1), Alone (16)

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