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Chest Pain with Long Term Use
Citation:   BlueMoon. "Chest Pain with Long Term Use: An Experience with GHB (exp1922)". Jun 19, 2000.

  oral GHB (liquid)
I must say that I have noticed some definite negative effects from long term GHB use (every day, 2-5 times a day). I have noticed the same cardiac problems that have been reported in a couple of post previous to mine. Basically, I would attribute it to similar effects of angina. Also, I have noticed a major increase in blood pressure and heart rate with continued repeated dosing. It is sort of scary, and as a result I have cut my use of the drug way way back. I never had problems with low level use, but when it is abused like I have abused it, it will cause problems. Be careful yall.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 1922
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2000Views: 15,992
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GHB (25) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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