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Just Sit and Enjoy the Feeling
Citation:   Dr. Fuzz. "Just Sit and Enjoy the Feeling: An Experience with Methadone (exp19345)". Mar 21, 2018.

25 mg oral Methadone (daily)
Ahhhh MethadoneI

I noticed that not very many people have written reports about methadone . Being probably my favorite pill and drug I decided to write a report on it.

Methadone is a wonderful opiate , I take 25 mg. of methadone allmost daily. When I don't I use heroin , but that is another story .

When I take methadone it takes from 30 min. to 2 hrs. to take effect. When the pills start to take effect I get this really warm strong feeling in the back of my neck , then it slowly starts to spread that amazing feeling throughout my entire body.
At this point I start to get very sociable and active. this phase lasts about an hour or two . Then I start to feel allmost perfect with the world nothing bothers me I'm not worried or fiending (wishing i had pills or heroin) I just feel good. My body feel allmost tingling. This is when I relax and my eyes start to feel heavy and I just sit and enjoy the feeling. The great thing about methadone or any opiate is that I can either just sit and relax or I can get up and do something , like cleaning or homework with all your attention and do it well. The noticeable effects of methadone usually last for me for about 6-10 hours but the drug can be felt for 24 hors. I pesonally really like this drug. I do have a tolerance and I believe this is why I take the high dosages that I do.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19345
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2018Views: 1,878
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Methadone (166) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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