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Sleeping Disorder
Trazodone & MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   furlican. "Sleeping Disorder: An Experience with Trazodone & MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp19838)". Sep 28, 2005.

300 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone (daily)
    oral MDMA  
I am 46 years old. I have three university degrees and have an IQ of 148. I am well off financially as are my friends. I have tried ecstasy over 3 years and have not used it on a regular basis.

I am an artist and have enjoyed the focus that X provides but I am not willing to use it anymore due to the aftereffects I have experienced. Ecstasy has created a sleeping disorder that, in turn, created a depression which has persisted for over a year. Due to the physical effects on my body from this drug, I am being presribed an antidepressant in a dose that my doctor said would drop a large man. I tried ecstasy with trazadone on board. I didn't feel warm and fuzzy, I couldn't sleep for 3 days and was very tearful, withdrawn and irritable for 5 days after. I will not do this drug again. I have not had a drop of alcohol for 17 years because I abused it. My feelings about ecstasy are the same as those I have for alcohol....the pleasure is minimal compared to the cost. I would pay dearly to go back and undo my use of this drug... a good night's sleep is the thing I want most for Christmas. No one can give me that.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19838
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 28, 2005Views: 34,537
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Pharms - Trazodone (294), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Depression (15), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Not Applicable (38)

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