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Seems Like a Way to Get Drunk With Pills
Citation:   johhnywalker. "Seems Like a Way to Get Drunk With Pills: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp20024)". Mar 17, 2019.

2 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
  1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
I was on due to leave town on an airplane at 1500hs, so I asked my mother who takes these benzos daily for one tab to help get to sleep (it was a 14 hour, daytime flight) so I wouldnt get bored and would get to my destination relatively refreshed. So, having investigated a bit I read that the peak plasmatic effect of this drug occurrs between 1 and 2 hours after ingestion, so I took the pill at 1330hs. I remember taking them in the cab going to the airport and then forgetting completely about them (so there was no placebo). When we reached the airport (I was with my dad) we checked in, payed the airport tax and had some spare time, so we went to have a bite. After having something to eat and talking with my father about a serious matter that affected both our lives at the time, I was suddenly hit by a mixed feeling of intese psychic and physical (muscular) relaxation and a feeling of blissful apathy towards everything. It took a while for me to think why this was happening and then I remembered the clonazepam. This wasnt the first time id taken it (I'm an experienced benzo user) but id never been hit so hard so suddenly by this or any other benzo for that matter (I've done alparazolam and diazepam). When I got up I started feeling dizzy and couldnt walk right, but I wasnt stumbling. It was eerily reminiscent of being drunk, only my mental faculties were much sharper and I wasnt talking nonsense.

When I got on the plane, I asked for a beer (to enhance the sleeping effect and knock me out without anything too strong)
Drank it in a gulp and fell asleep with a crazy dizziness before the plane took off. I remember having very philosophical thoughts just before falling asleep, and everyone and everything in the world and the universe seemed connected and everything made sense: I realised that everyone was just on their own path, looking for happiness and satisfaction in their lives and my usual aggressivness was replaced with a remarkable empathy and understanding of others and of course myself. I then fell into deep sleep and woke up an hour before landing, meaning I slept for 13 hours solid on a plane which I was later told suffered terrible turbulence.

Overall, it was an 'enlightening' (which is not generally the case for a downer I find) experience and very usefuel for its purpose.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20024
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 17, 2019Views: 1,130
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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