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Where Did They Go?
Citation:   Johny Blaze. "Where Did They Go?: An Experience with Datura (exp20030)". Erowid.org. Sep 3, 2006. erowid.org/exp/20030

155 seeds oral Datura
I ate 35 seeds with no results within the first 2 hours. I decided to eat 120 more seeds. I sat around nothing was happing so I ran some errands and took my girlfriend home. I made it back to my house to settle in for normal night of watching TV convinced I wouldn’t get high and that people on the net are full of shit. This is where it gets confusing, I awake from being half asleep to find that I feel very drunk. Not in the mind but it was difficult for the body.

I was stumbling all about knocking things over and reaching to lean on walls or items that where to far away to be reaching for. Interesting I guess it’s like being drunk or so I thought. My eyes were as big as dish plates, but no psychedelic visuals. Every thing felt normal except it was hard to walk. I proceeded to pack a bowl with my friend who had also eaten about 10 seeds I asked if he was high, no he said. We smoked and talked like always then he got up to use the rest room. I sat on my couch awaiting his return after what felt like forever I decided to investigate and make sure he didn’t fall in or something.

I found the bathroom empty, it was really the first time I realized I was messed up. My friend was not there, in fact its 11:00 at night and I hadn’t seen my friend since 1:00 in the afternoon. This talking to imaginary people went on for most of the night even though I knew better. As seasoned tripper I found it most entertaining.

Mushrooms and LSD have more visuals but I can get bored of them especially when I’m by myself. They are definitely more recreational than Datura. Unlike mushrooms and LSD were the drug can bring people closer together threw visions and enlightened thought, Datura brings me to myself and my visions will probably be my own, sharing the experience is difficult.

Later my girlfriend made it back to my house where we watched TV. I didn’t think I was that messed up but later I found out she had no clue what I was saying, or why. She had actually fallen asleep for and hour I didn’t even notice, I just kept having what I thought was a 2 way conversation. When she awoke I tried to pack a bowl only to find focusing on anything within 3 feet of my face was impossible. I let her pack, while I stared at my hands my vision so blurred I could barely make out my fingertips. For the rest of the night I took an active role in many imaginary scenarios, I knew nothing I was doing was real but its like having sex in dream, I just go with it.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20030
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 3, 2006Views: 10,821
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Datura (15) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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