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Flooded with Memories
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Prognaut. "Flooded with Memories: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp20043)". Oct 3, 2005.

1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (dried)
In early September, I traveled to nearby New Hope, PA. I love that town and it was a very nice afternoon. I bought a bunch of CD's and some herbs and so on. I had heard about Salvia and read about its effect, so when I saw some on sale, I had to give it a shot.

The gentleman who sold it was very informative and was interested in what I thought about the experience. He recomended I try some standard leaves first and then maybe some 7X. Well, over the next few months I kept reading and just could not find the ideal time/place and mindset to try it, until yesterday. Twas the day after christmas and I was alone and at peace for the first time in a few months... I am kind of a work-a-holic so I do not take a lot of time out for meditation, etc.

I had a glass of wine and packed the salvia into a bowl (about 1/2 of a gram or so of stadard strength dried leaf). I had heard it could make me dizzy so I made sure I was next to my couch out in my sun porch. I took a large hit from my freshly cleaned proto-pipe and held it for about 15 seconds. That was all it took and I started to feel very different. I took the second hit, put down the pipe slowly sat down as my head started to spin a bit. Sudenly but not too suddenly, I felt a very nice feeling come over me. It felt somehow familiar but I could not remember when I had felt it before. I think I was very young, maybe 3 or 4 because memories started to flood into my head of a warm mild day with lots of sun walking with my mother in Philadelphia. I felt very relaxed and removed from reality. It was almost like dreaming but still being awake. A memory from my early childhood eased into my head as I could hear some neighbors and children playing in the yards nearby. I remembered a playground and a park where my mother used to bring me sometimes. We were almost always the only ones there and it was very peaceful, away from the busy part of the city.

I became very aware of the sounds and felt almost as if everyone was in this journey together. Life seemed so 'right' as if I were viewing/feeling it from a spectator's viewpoint. Things just seemed to smile at me. Wow! I heard myself say which kinda pulled me back to reality a bit. This stuff was truly wonderful I thought. I looked out of the large windows of my sunroom and felt bathed in the light of the sun and the fresh smells of a mild winter day floated past. I stood up to open the windows a bit and felt as if I were floating kind of slanted toward the windows instead of walking. After I opened them I quickly decided to sit again and enjoy the moment in life that was unfolding before me. OK I know that sounds very cosmic and New Age and all, but believe me, I am as 'rooted' as the next guy. But I could not help but become enchanted by this plant. I hope to have antoher chance soon to journey a bit deeper into this familiar but very different feeling.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20043
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 3, 2005Views: 5,954
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), General (1), Alone (16)

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