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Serendipitous Surprise
by Way
Citation:   Way. "Serendipitous Surprise: An Experience with Damiana (exp20383)". Jan 21, 2004.

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  joints/cigs smoked Damiana (dried)
Today I went to the health food store to get some dried soy beans for my spiffy new soy milk machine and I decided to check out their bulk herbs section to see if they had anything interesting. While looking through the jars of dried wares I came across Damiana, which I have wanted to try. It was $11.90 per pound. I filled a little bit into a bag. Working backwards from the price I paid for it, $0.42, it is just over a half ounce. Not a bad price at all for enough to make sure I could give it a proper test. After my last trial with 5-MeO-DMT last night I was ready for something a little milder ;-).

When we got home I rolled a joint out of the material, which I didn’t find difficult to do at all with that material. I was actually surprised how much it looked like cannabis, especially once it was rolled up. It had it’s own distinct smell however. I hadn’t done any other psychoactives this day so I had a nice, clean head with which to judge any potential effects of this herb. I was really uncertain about whether I would get any effects or not, probably 50/50. I started smoking the joint and by the time I had smoked half of it I was feeling some undeniable effects. Mostly this was euphoria, with a slight mental cloudiness as well, some problems concentrating and very minor motor impairment. I certainly did not have difficulty standing up like I have read reported. This pleasant state maintained pretty well for about 40 minutes before it tapered off quickly.

As we were low on cannabis we continued to smoke some more Damiana throughout the night. I will be getting some more of this serendipitous surprise to add to my legal smokes collections.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 20383
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 21, 2004Views: 12,226
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Damiana (107) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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