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For the SATs
Citation:   Happy_Girl. "For the SATs: An Experience with DMAE (exp20438)". Jan 28, 2004.

750 mg oral DMAE (daily)
I'm a soon to be college student with one huge problem looming over my head - the SATs. Being a homeschooled student, I wasn't exposed to as much of the prep materials for this test, so I'm a bit nervous. In any event...

I bought a bottle of DMAE, thinking it would kick in for about 1 to 2 weeks, as I had read elsewhere. Perhaps it was a placebo effect, but after a few days, I felt far more clear headed. Abstract solutions came to me more easily, and I found my Japanese tutor commenting on my enhanced level of speach. (I tend to freeze and panic when I don't understand something, or stammer. But, it stopped, thank whatever-is-up-there.)

I've tryed methamphetamines for the same effect, and found they came with QUITE a price, the reason I quit. The physical stress that drug put on my body was horrible, and the withdraws sucked hardcore. I've found the exact effect I've been looking for with DMAE without the side effects of Meth/Amphetamines. So far, I've been taking a total of 750 mg a day (250 mg * 3 a day) without side effect. Some people have reported migranes, which worried me at first, as I am prone to them. Nevertheless, I've experienced no migranes whatsoever.

I'm sure their HAS to be a side-effect to this drug. But, for the meantime, life couldn't be better.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20438
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2004Views: 17,791
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DMAE (151) : Health Benefits (32), Not Applicable (38)

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