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Moonlit Freeze
Alcohol, Mushrooms, Cannabis & 2C-T-2
Citation:   Mr. Dyck Tator. "Moonlit Freeze: An Experience with Alcohol, Mushrooms, Cannabis & 2C-T-2 (exp20475)". Erowid.org. Mar 6, 2007. erowid.org/exp/20475

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 2:45 5.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 6:30 20 mg oral 2C-T-2 (capsule)
Well, the weekend got off to a rocky start. Me and my friends had ditched my car on the Friday night while on the way to my friend's cabin. I had stayed sober for the most part due to the fact I needed to stay non-sketchy to deal with the tow-truck driver on Saturday. I had brought out with me 5 grams of quite high potency mushrooms (1g my friends found would do them quite nicely) and my friend had brought out some 2C-T-2 in 20mg capsules. Since I had left all my hard partying until the Saturday night and the tow cost a pretty penny, I was all for getting myself completely wasted.

1600 hrs: We started drinking soon after I got back from snowmobiling, which was amazing since I've never done it before, so I was in a fairly happy mood. Left everything from Friday night, with Friday night. Tonight we were going to have some fun!

1845 hrs: After drinking and getting a bit of cannabis in me and some well deserved BBQed food, it was time to dose the mushrooms. I was the only one up for the trip. Others on the Friday night took some acid and were not up to a second trip on the Saturday eve, so I was alone on the journey.

1945 hrs: After more cannabis and more drinking thanks to a Transformers drinking game the mushrooms began to push the alcohol effects aside and the woodworks began to shift. It took a while before any solid visiuals took place as I was continuosly drinking during the different Transformers episodes.

2230 hrs: The mushrooms are now in full effect. The walls are dancing at this point. I am still heavily involved in our transformers. Flashbacks of when I was a child enjoying the show were most pleasent. I remember when I had all the toys. My friends and I would have battles with each other and such. Very remincent.

I've tripped heavily before and in the last 3 times. I have had very life examining experiences. Thinking too much while on mushrooms has been my downfall. Crashing at the ends of my trips came hard. But this time, I was with a small group of people. All very close friends of mine. I was very happy to be with them all. My girlfriend kept me in check throughout the night. I wanted to break into the 2-CT-2 at 2330 just as I was peaking. She suggested I take it as I noticed that I was coming down.

00:20 hrs: Most of the weed smoking had ceased due to the infatuation with Transformers (damned transformers!) so we were about due. The episodes ended and we hit the bong for a few more tokes. While outside we began to howl at the moon and just let loose. It was wild. My friend broke out into rhyme and starting freestyling. I was quite amazed. It sounded rather good and fluid. No one inside seemed to care that we were yelling at the top of our lungs and dancing around the little sun room. When we got back in, time began to slow down. Nothing unusual to me as this is what weed usually did to me while on shrooms. I spoke to my friend with the 2C-T-2 and decided it was time. He broke out 3 pills of 20mg in proportion. He, my girlfiend and I ingested.

0100 hrs: I felt a shift in my mushroom trip. It began to even out and flow more smoothly. We all decided to take a walk on the lake. The temperature was -30C but we were prepared with oversized hunting jackets and snowmobile gloves and away we went. While walking on the lake my other friend and I took more hits from the bong and time severely slowed down at this point. The 2C-T-2 seemed to take control at this point, for it was nothing like a mushroom trip. We got left behind from the pack and tried to catch up. We just couldn't for some reason. They all seemed so far away. Pictures taken of this journey proved otherwise as everyone was no more than 10-20 ft away from each other. The night was clear and the snow was lit up by the moon. I could feel various parts of my body begin to freeze. I had brought out a beer with me which had froze solid within 10minutes of being out there. On the way back we had one more hit and that was IT. Time stopped soon there after.

For a good 30 seconds it felt like I was frozen in a block of ice. The tip of my nose was the last to freeze and my vision took me on a roller coaster starting from my eyes down to my nose. I saw myself looking back. Everything was silent. The lake was flat and had brain like patterns the moon was deadly still. Voices soon came as my friends were telling me to hurry up so that we could all go warm up. They're voices were slow.

I then broke free of my trance and began to walk back up the cabin. Utterly shaken. Once inside I stopped drinking and stopped smoking. I had the strangest feeling that I could read minds. I looked at my friend and girlfriend and knew what they were thinking. Music was put on instead of movies at this point. Not being able to concentrate on conversation I began to lipsink to the rap and mimic the DJ movements brought forth in the songs. I was amusing my friends at this point.

0300 hrs: We had been listening to music for about an hour or so. My visuals were still quite intense. Everyone seemed to be crying as their faces melted away and morphed. All the knots in the woodwork became a live and swam along the wall. At this point we started talking about our trips and telling eachother what we were seeing/experiencing and talking about life in general. It was nice. I had visions that I was my God. I thought I had saved humanity by eating my own flesh (a bit of dead skin from my fingers). At this point I can't remember why, but at the time it made the most sense in the world.

0500 hrs: At this point everything that I had injested had throughly kicked my ass and I was dead tired. I was mildly tripping and the visuals were coming and going. It was time for bed. I slept alone, which was for the best because I needed to drive the following day.

1000 hrs: I woke up, still tired, but I managed to get 4+ hours of sleep. I drank some OJ got some food in me for the repressed munchies. I felt fine after the food. I didn't feel groggy any more and no hangover from all the booze. My friend and girlfriend were still up so we watched Animal House to kill some time. They passed out soon after. I ened up playing video games for the remainder of the day until we packed up and left.

I slept for a good 12hrs when we got back into the city and was still a bit tired on the Monday. Other than that, the whole experience was great. I wouldn't have done it any other way. I now feel inspired again to try with my music. I feel more focused on saving my money for future road trips and vacations. Life seems to be going fine and much fun is still left to be had.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 20475
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 6, 2007Views: 8,392
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2C-T-2 (53), Mushrooms (39) : Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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