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Absolutely Nothing
Citation:   Aelfric. "Absolutely Nothing: An Experience with Yohimbe (exp20581)". Nov 17, 2004.

500 mg oral Yohimbe (capsule)
I found a bottle of Yohimbe capsuls, put out under the Natrol brand name. I purchased the bottle yesterday and cracked it open last night. My first suspicions were aroused by the fact that the bottle promised '500 mg' of Yohimbe bark per capsul - a rather larger dose than that with which others have reported results. Still, I took 1 of the capsuls at about 10:30 pm and settled down to see what happened, and remained settled untill about midnight. I experienced absolutely nothing at all, and went to bed at 12:00 am bored and dissapointed, and quite able to sleep easily. Being fairly positive actual Yohimbe bark is able to produce _some_ effect on _anybody_, I believe the Natrol brand simply contains little - if any - actual Yohimbe. Better off buying the stuff in bark/powdered bark form from an herbalist/apothacary/Amazonian native, etc.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20581
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 17, 2004Views: 4,128
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Yohimbe (96) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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