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Made Me Sick!
Citation:   Plague Doctor. "Made Me Sick!: An Experience with Wormwood (exp20703)". May 14, 2003.

1 cig. smoked Wormwood (dried)
I read on a couple sites that wormwood was 'inebriating' .. and I had some in my basement, so I rolled up a joint. The smoke was really bitter and nasty and I couldn't get through all of it because it was so harsh on the back of my throught. It made me a little light headed and then extreamely nausious. It gave me a really gross feeling in my stomach that made me think I was going to puke. The feeling lasted for a few hours and the nasty smell of the smoke on my fingers and clothes lasted for 2 days. I definately did not get anything good out of it and will not try it again.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20703
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2003Views: 22,978
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Wormwood (50) : Alone (16), Health Problems (27)

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