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Research Chemical Dosage
Citation:   Reality Child. "Research Chemical Dosage: An Experience with AMT (exp20778)". Jan 27, 2003.

20 mg oral AMT (freebase)
I mention something about taking accurate dosages of chemicals. It is important to realize that most substances can come either in freebase form or as a variety of salts. With all probability these should behave exactly the same way in the body. What changes is only the molecular weight.

This is usually insignificant--for instance, if X is a reasonably heavy molecule (such as 2C-T-7) then X freebase should weigh about the same as X hydrochloride, within 10% or something. (haven't done the math)

For salts other than hydrochloride, hower, this can make a HUGE difference. The dosage for AMT as listed in TIHKAL is 15-30mg, but if you read it carefully you'll see that it is measured as the fumarate salt, and fumarate component has weight comparable to the weight of AMT itself. This means that half the mass of the chemical is made up of the salt.

Most online suppliers sell AMT hydrochloride or AMT freebase. This led to a terrible situation in which a couple of my friends took a dosage of 20mg AMT, but it never occurred to us that this was the FREEBASE. Only much later did I figure out that this was equivalent to about 35mg(!) as a TIHKAL dosage. Two unpleasant experiences could have been avoided if it weren't for this act of ignorance.

If you want to take a research chemical, you should probably try to learn at least enough chemistry to know what you're taking, or allow somebody who does to measure your dose.

[Erowid Note: Molecular weights:
a-MT hydrochloride 174 + 36.5 = 210.5
a-MT fumarate 174 + 58 = 232
a-MT bifumarate 174 + 116 = 290
a-MT acetate 174 + 60 = 234

However, it is not clear whether TiHKAL refers to the fumarate or bifumarate. If it is simply the fumarate, with a molecular weight of 232, the dosages would be radically different. ]

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20778
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 27, 2003Views: 5,364
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AMT (7) : Not Applicable (38), Overdose (29), General (1)

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