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Interesting... But Not Worth the Pain
by Anon
Citation:   Anon. "Interesting... But Not Worth the Pain: An Experience with Methadone (exp21036)". Feb 4, 2003.

1 tablet oral Methadone
The first thing I want to mention is that when using prescription pills recreationally, always, ALWAYS know fully what you are taking.

Some long-time friends of mine had mentioned that for a headache, one of their mothers had given them each half of one of her medicine pills, of which they described experiencing a 'floating' feeling for the duration of the school day. About two years later I was visiting the new apartment of one of the friends and her mother, and saw her very large bottle of white pills sitting on an end table next to the couch. By peer pressure, I removed three from the bottle of well over a hundred and went home.

That night, I decided I would start with one. As it turns out, it was all I needed. After dinner (since I did not want to take something new on an empty stomach) I took one pill around 8pm. I layed down on my waterbed and watched television. After about 30 minutes I started to notice a tingly feeling in my limbs not unlike that of poor circulation, but in a pleasant way. By the time an hour had passed, my entire face felt cold and was numb, and I could physically feel no pain. I decided no more dosage was necessary and then blacked out.

The next day I was to help a friend pick up a new vehicle from a car lot on the other side of the city, with the aid of his mother and little sister. When I woke that morning and stumbled into the bathroom (feeling no ill effects) I felt a strong burning sensation in my genitals. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that I had stuck a safety pin through the skin between my scrotum and penis the night before. As horrid as this feeling was, and a bit disturbed by the fact that I didn't remember mutilating my own genitals, I ended up keeping the piercing, since I didn't have to go through the horrible pain most others would when piercing this part of the body. (I later replaced the safety pin with a 16 guage barbell.)

I drove to my friend's house and got into the van with him, his mother, and sister, and we drove about 30 miles, when i started feeling extremely ill and flushed. I exclaimed that I needed to visit a bathroom quickly, and when we neared the car lot, we stopped at a shopping mall, where they ate at Chick-Fil-A and I prayed to the porcelain god no less than five times.

Leaving the mall, feeling better, my face full of color again, I was certain that I would not vomit anymore. But as soon as the van began moving I felt even more ill than before, and when we parked at the car lot I walked over to a concrete barrier and pretended to lean over it nonchalantly, and vomited close to ten times. Over the course of the day, I vomited at least 25 times, and felt absolutely wretched for the entire day.

Here's proof that one small dosage of methadone may be way too much and make someone sick for a day in a first-time user. You have been warned. It was not until a few weeks later that I learned it was methadone. If I had known this, I most likely would have never taken it. I later donated the two extra pills to two friends of mine who took half a pill each on two different occasions, without experiencing ill effects.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 21036
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 4, 2003Views: 64,321
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Methadone (166) : Alone (16), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), General (1)

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