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Nothing Too Amazing
by Ant
Citation:   Ant. "Nothing Too Amazing: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp2119)". Jun 26, 2000.

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3 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
I've tried nutmeg once...if ones going to explore all possibilities, then even this should be tried. I consumed 20g of freshly crushed whole nutmeg (blended with milk and chocolate flavouring). I found the experience to be interesting, and worth trying only once - there is very little to recommend another attempt. It was a case where my mind was unaffected, but my body was stoned. Speech became slurred, limbs heavy and vaguely numb. I sufferred no nausea but remained in this 'wrapped in cotton wool' state for about 24 hrs. During this time I slept a dreamless sleep and awoke to find the effects had hardly diminished. I look at psychedelics and entheogens as a way to expand my mind, and percieve self from another perspective...nutmeg provided nothing of worth, no new thoughts or sensations. There was no real hangover from the experience although I did feel a little flat for the next 48 hours. So...feel free to give it a go, just don't expect anything too amazing.

All is relative, all is subjective...

Exp Year: ExpID: 2119
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2000Views: 5,650
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Nutmeg (41) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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