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Coffin Nail Tea
Tobacco - Cigarettes
by pea
Citation:   pea. "Coffin Nail Tea: An Experience with Tobacco - Cigarettes (exp21427)". Feb 19, 2003.

3 joints/cigs oral Tobacco - Cigarettes (liquid)
Well, I did this when I was very young. I was simply interested.

This is beyond dangerous, aparently this is bordering on the fatal dose of nicotine! It was certainly very unpleasant.

Anyway, three 'regal' cigarettes were put in a tea-pot with some boilling water and left to brew for about 3 minutes.

The resulting tea was then drunk, it tasted very nice.

Then, for about 3 hours I experinced a form of agony. I had a powerfull aversion to light, I had to cover my eyes in a darkened room, there was also a horrible full body buzzing sensation and a mild headache.

Finally it all went away, and I have smoked ever since.

Regal makes me feel sick however.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 21427
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 19, 2003Views: 51,749
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