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Not Entirely Positive, Good Outweighed Bad
H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis
Citation:   Charlie. "Not Entirely Positive, Good Outweighed Bad: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis (exp21672)". Nov 22, 2004.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  5 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose  
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
    repeated oral Alcohol  
I bought 14 seeds from a headshop in my local town, the guy behind the counter gave me brief instructions on dosage etc, and on the way out I dropped one seed, thus leaving me with 13. I read that a tip was to scrape the white furry coating off the seeds, which I did.

I visited a friend at his university and we agreed to take the seeds together, him, his friend and myself. I was experienced with hallucinogens, namely mushrooms, so I had a vague idea of what to expect. We had a joint at midday, and began chewing the seeds at 12:30, i had 5 and the others had 4. We began watching a comedy, but after half an hour, we realised that we were feeling something, fairly mild but very disconcertingly unfamiliar.

After around an hour, we had retired to bed, my friend and his buddy in one bed (nothing sexual, we needed to lie down) and I was on a camp bed. We all started to feel extreme nausea, which eventually culminated in all of us vomiting in the toilet (not at the same time). After that the nausea went away slowly, and we were left feeling unusual. My friend reported that if you moved your hand in front of your face it left a trail, which we all agreed with.

We were reaching a relaxing introspective peak, in a dark silent room, when in came my friends flatmate, turned on the light, put her new cypress hill cd on loud (NOT RECCOMENDED) and started to talk about her dissection (she's a med student) and how the corpse she was working on had been stabbed in the throat with a biro, and generally other morbid stories. This sent all 3 of us into a state of extreme depression. We eventually (and rudely) told her where the door was and how to f**king use it, and she left. We continued to feel the philosophical effects on the mind for a further hour or so (time is heavily distorted), and I remember being very amused with my friend by looking at the animations on the menu of his nokia phone.

The effects seemed to wear off, and my mates friend went to the pub. I however felt veeeeeeeery tired, and my friend tried to get me to come to the pub, but I refused and he stayed with me and suddenly he felt tired too, ie there was an intense second wave of lethargy (IMPORTANT TO CONSIDER). We slept for a further 4 hours and woke up feeling energised and rested. We went for dinner and found that we didn’t have much appetite for food, but a strong thirst. We went to a shop and bought a crate of beer and went back to the flat and had a night in with about 8 guests, smoking cannabis and drinking and listening to music.

Overall, the experience was interesting, not entirely positive, but overall I would say that the good effects outweighed the bad. I just recommend that you don’t go outside until you are totally sure the effects have worn off. LOCK YOUR DOOR! And don’t play any morbid music, listen to something chilled like pink floyd or jazz or something. Never take it alone, some of the initial negative effects would be terrible if you were on your own, without someone to agree that its normal.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21672
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 22, 2004Views: 3,729
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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