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Interesting Buzz
Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   IV-Cear. "Interesting Buzz: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum (exp21835)". Mar 8, 2007.

100 mg insufflated Sceletium tortuosum (ground / crushed)
I have tried smoking Kanna a few times previously to this, but this time I decided that it would be much more economical to try it in a snuff. I only had about 1/3 of a gram left and I took out about a point and used a card to cut the larger pieces of kanna away from the smaller pieces. Then I took the stuff that was left over and three friends and I proceeded to snort small amounts by placing it on our finger and snorting it... we all did it twice each and got about maybe 100 mg of it into us...

At first there was a definite 'high' that was similar to snorting a very small amount of cocaine. I thought maybe it was just a trigger because I have not put anything up my nose for over 2 years, but my friends experienced it too.

What followed was a wonderful experience.. I felt somewhat like I was rushing on mdma, with just the 'high' and no palpations or mashing, it was great.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21835
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2007Views: 37,889
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Sceletium tortuosum (179) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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