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Realizations and Life-Changing Decisions
Citation:   Anonymous. "Realizations and Life-Changing Decisions: An Experience with 2C-B (exp2186)". Jun 27, 2000.

15 mg oral 2C-B
I took 15mg of Nexxus (2C-B) on Saturday night -- my first time. It took around 30 minutes to start feeling anything. It was a bit strange. I felt very *sober* mentally with a definite color distortion and slight visual hallucinations. Everything took on a yellowish/rosey hue. The walls in my room are pale white and on 2C-B they looked canary yellow. Objects took on a more round and organic look and feel to them. When I focused on an object it seemed to vibarate ever-so-slightly -- not in an acid sense, but more like eye wiggling type of motion (nystagmus?). Lights looked incredibly beautiful with huge trails behind them.

Sounds took on a dimension that I have never before experienced. Music didn't necessarily sound sharp like on other psychedelics, but it most certainly had a stereophonic type of feel to it. At times it was difficult to pin point from which direction the music was coming from. It was also very obvious to pick out the deficiencies in the music. After playing with the EQ I got the perfect sound -- things that I would have never have been able to pick out sober. My kinesthetic/tactual abilities were almost intact. I was able to mix records with some ease at first, and only at the peak point did I feel my hands shaky and my fine motor skills diminished.

I felt very at ease with little signs of intoxication. I have to admit that I felt mentally *sober* most of the night. My heart did beat a bit faster on this chemical, but my mind was not very far. I kept climbing higher and higher until it peaked at about almost 2 hours. I felt very in control and quite serene all throughout. I didn't have any new flashes of insights at this time, although I did realize that no matter the chemical, it is always me. There is that one part of me (soul?) that no matter what I do or how far I go, always remains in there. I think there is a certain sense of confort in that...

When I was almost back at baseline (~5 hours) the trip took on a complete different dimension. My brother (who was also tripping with me) and I decided that he was OK to drive so we went to a local rave. When we got there we smoked a joint and stood in line. At this point I felt almost totally sober, but nothing could have prepared me for what was going to happen next.

I began to grow more and more unaware of my surroundings. I began losing myself as I waited in line -- it was as if I was losing time. Time was passing in huge chunks without me noticing/percieving. I was on a 2 minute (no exageration) time delay. From conversations, to walking, to even thinking -- everything was greatly delayed. As I stood in line, it seemed that my hearing became completely 360 degrees around. I could hear what people behind me were saying, but it sounded like if they were in front of me. I couldn't talk to people, I couldn't get my ID, I was totally lost. Normally I'm not a paranoid tripper, but this effect was so strong that I started to really doubt my abilities to interact in public. My brother, thankfully, was not as bad as I was and we both decided that the best thing to do was to just drive back home. This is unprecedented for me, since I consider myself a seasoned tripper who can handle myself in almost every situation.

In the car I grew more and more paranoid as I realized that my time delay was increasing and now we were in a moving vehicle. My brother, who knows me very well, talked me down from my state and told me to *trust* him in his ability to drive and close my eyes and concentrate on the music. As we drove home I had my eyes closed and would see the most intricate *movies* behind my eyelids. All sorts of things were happening: scenes from my life, scenes from my imagination, and various floating and morphing objects swam in there. I couldn't believe what was happening. The trip had not been an 1/8 this strong and now that it was over it grew so INTENSE with the weed. WOW!

Then it also became emotional. Throughout the entire trip my brother and I had talked very little and focused mostly on the music. For some reason as we drove we began talking and one conversation lead to another, and pretty soon we were both in tears as we made realizations, connections, and life-changing decisions. We have used psychedelics together a lot, and have had many conversations, but somehow under 2C-B they really seemed to have an urgency. It felt almost as things that we had already talked about finally came to a point where they needed to be acted upon.

We got home safe. I'm trying to understand what happened to me and why the trip was stronger after I felt almost back at baseline but smoked. 2C-B is a wonderful material that I'd like to investigate further and under different circumstances.

Exp Year: ExpID: 2186
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2000Views: 11,713
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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