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For a Migraine
by tom
Citation:   tom. "For a Migraine: An Experience with Cannabis (exp22374)". Feb 9, 2006.

0.5 g smoked Cannabis
I had a phatty of a migraine on saturday afternoon. migraines always leave me with an absolute bitch of a headache, which painkillers seem to do jack shit to. I went out on saturday night to a mate's house as he'd just picked up a henry for me. (for those who don't know what a henry is, think of a certain british king between 1509 and 1547).

I had a reasonably well packed joint of it and the effect was immediate, my headache disappeared completely and I had a great night's sleep as a result. However it appears to be only symptomatic relief as the headache was back the next day...which meant I just HAD to smoke more...what a bitch that was, haha.

interestingly I read a report on the internet indicating that marijuana might be used to abort a migraine in the prodromal stages with scotomata. (prodromal with scotomata means the fucked up bit at the start where you see flashing lights etc). if only I had picked up the night before, I might have stopped the migraine before it got started...

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22374
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 9, 2006Views: 4,145
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Cannabis (1) : Health Benefits (32), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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