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HPPD Was Completely Gone
by Brk
Citation:   Brk. "HPPD Was Completely Gone: An Experience with LSD (exp23173)". May 3, 2003.

1.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I occasionally trip on LSD when it becomes available to me (not often). On the trip in question, I ingested 1.5 blotter hits of some supposed very good LSD. The trip was much more clean and intense then I expected from 1.5 hits which leads me to believe there was either a larger dose on each hit then I'm used and/or the LSD was properly synthesized when I had received improperly synthesized LSD in the past.

I had mild HPPD mainly from an unknown MDMA-like substance I did ~25 times approximately 2.5 years ago, along with various experiences with other psychedelics(LSD, cannabis, and psilocybin, among many others). The night after the trip when I turned off the light to go to bed, I noticed that my HPPD was completely gone. It was never really a problem as it was composed of tracers and other mild visual distortions. I thought I would mention this as LSD could possibly be used to help someone with much more severe HPPD (though it would seemingly have a reverse effect).

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23173
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2003Views: 20,940
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LSD (2) : Not Applicable (38), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Health Benefits (32)

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