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Nothing Special About It
Ketamine, MDMA & Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   Jackie. "Nothing Special About It: An Experience with Ketamine, MDMA & Alcohol - Hard (exp23222)". May 2, 2019.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
    repeated   Ketamine  
  1 oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I met up with a couple of friends for drinks at a local bar and was offered some Special K. I've been doing coke and E on a fairly regular basis for about a year now so was very interested in trying out something a bit different. In retrospect, I was taking a step backwards.

I had a couple of drinks then took a sniff of K in the bathrooms. When I got back my friends were all waiting for my reaction but after half an hour there didn't seem to be one. Dissapointed to say the least, I went back and inhaled a larger dose. Thinking that I was probably tolerant, we left to go to another bar. Aside from a slight feeling of confidence (which really could have been due to the two vodka and oranges I had consumed), I felt nothing. I decided to stop drinking, lest this be hampering the effects. 10 minutes later we all took a seat in the next bar. I then got up to go to the bathroom and felt slightly dizzy - finally! - I thought, something's happening. Making my way around, I felt disassociated from my surroundings, but not in the 'spiritual' or 'mystical' sense that other users have described. I just felt antisocial. I am usually a bit of a flirt but I was totally in my own headspace, and refused to look people in the eye as I walked towards my destination. I also found that I had trouble keeping my balance. It wasn't much different from being drunk, only I wasn't feeling at all positive, more introspective.

20 minutes later I was still quite smashed but coming out of it. I popped an E with my friends and we all just kinda sat there looking around, waiting to get high I guess. The K had been a let-down. About half an hour went by and even though I was more talkative, I wasn't getting the loved-up or dancy effect I usually feel on E. I thought, 'fuck it' and went into the bathrooms and inhaled my final bit of K.

The impact was immediate. I couldn't see straight and the curvy design on the toilet walls was annoying the hell out of me. I left the stall and went to wash my hands, and found I couldn't stand up straight or walk properly. I wanted to talk to the girls who were also in the bathroom (E's influence) but couldn't get the words out without sounding like a retard (K's influence). It was kind of funny, and at last I was feeling positive. I took a walk around the bar and some guy came up and started talking to me. I recall a distinct inability to concentrate on what he was saying or even look in his eyes, I was mentally all over the place. Then he asked me a question and I tried to answer but couldn't really form the words properly. This communication problem lasted pretty much for the next 15 minutes while I was peaking on E, with any guy who came up to me. I had to pretend I had a sore throat, even though I was desperate to communicate. I then went to sit back down with my friends and began feeling nauseous. I stumbled into the bathrooms and threw up the two drinks I had had earlier in the night. Feeling better, but definately less high now, I sat down and just tried to get a grip on my mental state. Within an hour I was back to normal.

Coke and E are party drugs designed to help social lubrication. I never realised how great they were until I tried Special K, which did nothing but make me feel smashed and introspective. Further to this it's an embarresment in public; I wasn't in control of my physical functions. I'd only try Special K again in a more intimate setting and in a higher dose for a more intense effect. As it was I just felt like the night was wasted.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23222
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 2, 2019Views: 970
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Ketamine (31), Alcohol - Hard (198), MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Club / Bar (25)

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