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Got Out While I Could
Citation:   uNivErSaL. "Got Out While I Could: An Experience with GBL (exp23304)". Dec 9, 2005.

  repeated oral GBL (liquid)
I had been using GBL for four months. I'd read all the horror stories on the web about addiction, withdrawals, etc. Of course I believed I had self-control. To me, these stories I had read of other peoples misfortunes were as I said merely stories. It would never happen to me. I began using GBL knowing damn well it was addictive. I had a dosing schedule I followed religiously at first. Soon I abandoned my schedule and dosed whenever I felt I needed the boost. Well I needed the boost all the time. I never relied on G for sleep, which was the only thing I did right; however, everything else I did wrong. I became emotionally neglectful of my family, my girlfriend, and my friends. I was only concerned with feeling good. The terrible thing is I didn't notice everything unfolding in front of me.

Under stress from school, and partially my addiction, an unfortunate landslide of events began to occur. My girlfriend and I had an argument about something simple and easily resolvable. In my intoxication, a simple argument transformed into a nervous breakdown. I had a hopeless feeling of doubt and sadness in which I put my girlfriend in an extremely uncomfortable position that she definitely did not deserve.
Understandably she left me the next day. She had enough of her own problems and I wasn't helping either of us. She has always disapproved of my drug use. She has been with me through a drug related hospitalization, many drug-fueled arguments about something easily resolvable. I have been given many chances and I blew it. I knew I had to change the day of our argument. I gave up G, but the damage had been done and it was too late. She is a wonderful person and I lost her because of my stupidity. Now I would do anything to get her back, absolutely anything, but I fear it's too late.

So what's the hell does this have to do with me you ask. Let me tell you. Drugs don't ruin lives. People let drugs ruin their lives and usually those around them whom they care the most about. Please take it from me and the many unfortunate souls before me to quit this nonsense while you still have something worth holding on to. Happiness doesn't come on a plant, in a pill, or a liquid. Happiness comes from the relationships we have with one another and ourselves. If this report can prevent even a single person from making my same mistakes hopefully my trouble was not all in vain.

Any benefits like relief from anxiety and depression were be short-lived and I ended up worse than when I started. It’s not worth my life or happiness. I got out while I still could!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23304
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 9, 2005Views: 8,474
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GBL (89) : Relationships (44), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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