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Glorious Mornings
Morning Glory & Cannabis
Citation:   Unnamed. "Glorious Mornings: An Experience with Morning Glory & Cannabis (exp23348)". Apr 5, 2007.

7.0 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  14 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
After reading about morning glory seeds on Erowid my friends and I decided to give them a whirl. We are all pretty avid pot-smokers and occasional shroom trippers, but we had never ventured into the wonderful world of morning glory. Last weekend we procured a large number of 'Heavenly Blue' seeds from our local gardening store and ended up consuming them two nights in a row just cuz we liked it so much.

Day 1:
I awoke at 10:30am and drove to my friends house where we would eat the seeds. When I got there we smoked a bowl and ran some errands in preparation for our trip to come. I bought Jim Morrison's 'American Prayer' which proved to be a very smart investment later in the day.

At 1:00pm, me and two of my friends put 7 grams each in cups of water and let it sit in the fridge for 20 minutes, stirring frequently. We drank the solution one by one, it wasn't all that bad, although one of my friends thought it was disgusting. After consuming the seeds we went outside and smoked another bowl, it was an absolutely beautiful day. About a half hour after consuming the seeds I began to feel very weird, I couldn't figure out if I as just really stoned or if I had started trippin.' Then we decided to go take a little walk in the woods behind my friend's house, this is when I really started to notice the effects. As we walked through the trees I began to notice that we were no more significant than a twig on the ground, or a bird on a tree, we were just part of the entire scene which was the universe. I guess you could say we were like primitive beings, I started seeing the world like a child again.

After about an hour, the three of us were feeling somewhat nauseous, so we took some Pepto and felt fine immediately afterwards. We went out to eat about three hours after eating the seeds, and that is when they really started to take effect. I remember sitting at the table and noticing everything in the restaurant kind of breathing. My friends reported no such visuals. But they both said they were really messed up.

Four hours after ingestion we started to reach our peak, and we decided to hit the bong a few times to see how we would feel. I took about 4 hits from the bong and ate about 5 more grams of seeds, that's when things really started getting interesting. We were sitting in the grass on a blanket looking at the trees when they started to form geometric shapes and shifting. Everything seemed so surreal, if someone were to draw out a spectrum with reality in the middle, and 'dreamy' on the left, what we felt would bye way off to the right. Everything was more than real, but nothing was more significant than anything else, I really saw things from a black/white, ying/yang perspective. I don't quite know how to adequately explain it with words.
Later that night we smoked a couple more bowls and went to a friends house. The pot brought back my trip into full effect. My friend ate another 7(ish) grams and he said it brought him into an incredibly intense trip, colors and vivid visuals of all kinds. I on the other hand, decided to call it a night and go to sleep, I slept like a baby.

Day 2:
The next morning I had to work at 10:00am, I was feeling kind of clumsy, kind of like how you feel after a night of excessive pot smoking. It didn't really cross my mind to do it again, but while working I realized that I was strapped for cash so I decided I'd trip again for almost nothin. This time it was one of the same friends, a newbie to the tripping world, and myself who decided to do it.

After I got off work my newbie friend and I went out and got a bunch of seeds from a couple different stores, then we smoked a bowl and washed our seeds for consumption. This time we did not have access to a coffee grinder so we put the seeds in yogurt and chewed them up as we ate them. The two of us who did it the night before took about 14 grams each because we knew our tolerance had gone up, and we gave our other friend about 10 grams.

We ate our yogurt, took some Pepto and had absolutely no nausea. Then we went out to a nearby lake and sat on the dock and watched the sunset as we awaited the trip. After about an hour the sun set and the three of us started to really feel the seeds, then we heard word of a party, so we drove there as soon as we could because we knew we wouldn't be able to drive if we waited any longer.

We got to the party and I gave another one of my friends what looked like a little more than 10 grams, he went to the store to get some Pepto and got pulled over FOR SWERVING! The cop asked him if he had been drinking (he had a beer to wash down the seeds, and he was under 21) and he said no. So the cop checked my friend and checked his car, this is when my friend started feeling the effects of the seeds. Right when the cop was about to give him a breathalyzer a car flew by and the cop said 'OK, I believe you, but I have to go get this car so just go home and be safe.' We all saw this as the biggest blessing any of us would ever get in our entire lives, and celebrated with a round of applause and a bowl.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Anyway back to the trip, 3 hours after consumption, the seeds began to hit me really hard, the table cloth was the coolest thing I had ever seen, and the music sounded absolutely incredible. The party was kind of divided into groups, we were the 'hippies' there and didn't seem to be all that accepted with the 'TRL' group, but for some reason I couldn't have cared less. I viewed the secularity like it was the most petty, insignificant thing in the world. Like I said earlier, we were in a 'primitive' state of mind and I saw social classes for what they really were, nothing but psychological ignorance. I almost felt sorry for the jockish college kids chuggin down beers making fun of the hippies, the were clearly products of societal brainwashing and thought that because they dressed according to how MTV told them to dress they were better people. The rest of us started discussing our 'deprogramming' from the system via psychedelics.

I had a bunch of seeds left over and ended up selling 2 portions worth. Both people said they had one of the best nights of their lives, I was very happy to be able to provide them with it.

Before leaving the party, I smoked like 2 bowls and walked back to my house across the street. I started seeing eyeballs in my floor which was kind of creepy, but then I listened to 'Dark Side of The Moon' which was an absolutely incredible experience.

The next morning, I felt like I was still trippin, and I felt really weird that whole day. I got pretty depressed and felt really weird mentally the whole day. But that was very short lived and only lasted a day, plus it was a Sunday and I am always cranky on Sundays.

All in all, I think morning glory seeds are WELL worth a try. It really isn't something to take if you just want to get fucked up, if that's the case go drink some beer. But for all you conscious expansion seekers out there, I think this is a great alternative to other psychedelics and worth a try. I hope I adequately described my experiences and helped future trippers along the road, but I've always said, 'Altered states of mind cannot be explained, they can only be experienced.' Meaning no words can truly explain a morning glory trip, or any other state of consciousness for that matter, first hand experience is the only explanation.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23348
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 5, 2007Views: 9,782
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Morning Glory (38) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Hangover / Days After (46), Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1), Various (28)

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