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Tramadol Trials Out of Boredom
Tramadol HCl (generic)
Citation:   DevilDoc. "Tramadol Trials Out of Boredom: An Experience with Tramadol HCl (generic) (exp23709)". Dec 3, 2003.

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-999.0 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
I've recently received two different shipment of tramadol, each of a different type. The first was a white tablet, no name, no insignia, no label of any kind (other than tramadol HCl, 50mg) - this made me a little uneasy. But I trusted the source completely, so I tried to settle my nerves. The second was a pink and dark blue/purple pill - this one was called Domadol - also labeled 50mg tramadol HCl.

I worked my way up, as suggested, both to try to appreciate the substance better and to assure my own safety. 50mg, 100, 150, 200, 250, each on a separate day, separated by 3-4 days each time to try to stave off tolerance, alternating between the two types of pills.

I really noticed nothing until I hit a dose of 200mg, and even this dose was very mild - manifesting itself as a mild intoxication (very mild) that lasted 8 hours or so. I would liken the effects to a couple shots of liquor, mixed with maybe 1.5mg/kg DXM. When I upped the dosage to 250mg I noticed little more intoxication, but a marked increase in nausea. And I felt a definite increase in the DXM-like effects and a huge increase in nausea (to the point that I ALMOST lost my lunch). I didn't notice any iching, but did have difficulty staying with conversation or interacting with people.

I can't say that I really enjoyed the experiences, unfortunately, but I also was taking generics, and not Ultram. This might or might not have an effect, but I generally find generics to be inferior.

I can't stress enough how dangerous this compound can while driving, at high dosages. When I liken the effects to DXM, this isn't a direct comparison, but the frame-by-frame visual input at 150 mg and higher seemed to be clearly similar to a 1st plateau experience with DXM.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23709
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 3, 2003Views: 48,396
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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