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Flying Foxes
5-MeO-DiPT & GHB
Citation:   Murple. "Flying Foxes: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT & GHB (exp2392)". Jul 1, 2001.

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5.0 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
  2.5 g oral GHB (liquid)
Ahh... time for another plane ride. Oh gee, could I be any more enthused... I sit in the terminal at the Ronald Reagan National Airport in DC. What an ironically named place to start a trip report. A crowd of excited happy people bearing bundles of balloons is all around me. It turns out that they are awaiting the arrival of a plane bringing several of them their newly adopted children. I sit and soak up the good vibes, letting their happiness spill over into me. Although nervous about the upcoming plane ride, I am in a great mood. I have a few misgivings about what I am about to do - will I feel claustrophobic confined to a chair for several hours trypping? Will it turn my nervousness about flying into a terrorized 6 hour hurdle through the skies? I sip on a bottle of strangely salty Strawberry Banana V8 Splash.

My plane is here, and people are lining up to board. It's now or never! In my hand, I hold the little fox. With my eyes, I behold a fox of another kind - a beautiful blonde woman in a blue dress. A sign? Perhaps. Yes, I will give chase to at least one of these foxes. I down the gelcap with a swig of GHB spiked V8 Splash, and get in line to board the plane.

I am flying now, in several ways. I took off as the plane took off. Anxiety... anticipation... I look out the window, and recall the words of Frank Herbert from Dune which have seen me through so many rough rides through hyperspace. 'I must not fear, for fear is the mind killer...' The rush of take off is exhilirating. I watch the world fall away. '...Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration...' I am feeling the warm flush of the fox with the fuzzyness of the GHB. I see my neighborhood, resized for ants. This will be a very nice flight, indeed. '...I will face my fear, I will permit it to pass over me and through me...' The seatbelt sign is turned off, I see a vacant window seat a few rows back. '...And when it has past, I shall turn the inner eye to see its path...' I look out the window and behold a glorious sky. '...And where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain!'

I am flying through a sea of pastel cotton candy stretching infinitely in all directions, from the fading crimson glory of the sun ahead, to the deepening blues of the night which is giving chase. Below me are fantastic cottony sculptures of every shade in between - art crafted by the very hand of God, to be seen by none but those on this plane. The orangey sparkles of towns passing below... how many faces turn up, to see the flip side of these cloud paintings? How many eyes gaze unknowingly back up at me? 'Oh look, a plane...' Young woman walks down the aisle, glorious golden mane flashes with a flick of the head, cascading curls of flowing gold an echo of the golden glory of the slowly setting sun reflecting off the clouds below. In the distance, the flashing red and white pulse of a plane, flying into the night. Above, red Mars and the first glimmering stars watch over the whole spectacle of humanity. I decide to relax and listen to the rest of this FSOL CD, 'Accelerator'... the music is near perfect for this setting.

Below me stretches Lake Erie, off to my left, the salmon glow of Cleveland, Ohio. Ahead, daylight is racing away from us - it is now but a thin ribbon of intense red, with a little swath of light blue stretched above it. The effect is strange... the city lights below, above, the dark ribbon of the horizon, and above that the trailing edge of day, mirroring the glow of the city below. It is as if a thin stretch of night has been sandwiched between two sunsets, one manmade, the other eternal. The long sunsets possible on westward plane trips are spectacular. It would be a marvelous invention if someone were to design an aircraft capable of flying at the exact speed of the earths rotation - imagine the possibility of a perpetual sunset!

The flying fox is a marvelous creature... I am quite impressed! I do not feel at all claustrophobic as I worried psychedelics on a plane might make one feel. In fact, I am quite rivetted by the glorious scenery outside my lofty window and the music pulsing through my headphones. I would be content to sit in this chair, listening to music and watching the world scroll by forever.

I look at the lights of Cleveland, still floating by... lights of boats swimming across the mighty Great Lake below. I recall the last time I saw the lights of this city. It was not a very pleasant episode in my life. I remember. I release.

Pressure is increasing... we must be starting the gradual descent into Minneapolis. The sensations of pressurization and descent create the feeling that time is slowing. Ahead, the sunset still lingers, now a pale band of light blue edged with pink. Below, an ocean of fluffy clouds dimly reflects the fading day... shades of steel grey and sleepy blue. Above are God's white stars, below are Man's pink stars. In between, I sail upon the wind, chasing the flying fox as it leads me towards my destination past the sunset. I have a wonderful warm, languid body sensation. The sensations of flight combine well with the sensations of this novel tryptamine. I will have to use a larger dose next time I have the opportunity to chase the flying fox.

Landed in Minneapolis around 10:45PM. The sunset escaped us there. I called B on the ground to touch base, then back onto another plane to continue the journey at around 11:45PM home time. The trip is winding down, although the trip is still in progress... I shall be quite ready for sleep when I arrive at my destination in another two hours or so.

The ride has been pretty turbulent for the past hour or more. Unlike on previous plane rides where this much turbulence would have had me feeling a little nervous, I'm not bothered very much. Just sit back, listen to Shpongle, and ride the waves. The atmosphere, like the ocean, is essentially fluid... just a little thinner. In a way, an airplane is just a strange sort of boat. I think the visions of beauty I had earlier have gone a long way to cure my nervousness about flying. I think I shall feel much more relaxed on planes from now on.

I am beggining to feel sensations of descent and increasing pressure. The sound of the engines has changed. Below, I see city lights. It will be nice to get on the ground and to my destination!

At this point, I feel mainly afterglow from the 5-MeO-DIPT. A little residual stimulation, and I still have some of the typical jaw and neck tension this compound always gives me. I had some misgivings about taking a psychedelic, even one as mellow as this one, on a plane. I am happy to say that those doubts were unfounded, and I am very glad I chose to fly the foxy skies.

Well, 3:02AM Portland time... I touched down here in Oregon at around midnight, local time. A short drive and I arrived at my grandmother's house. A bit of food, a shower, and a little swig of some GHB-enhanced orange juice, and I am just about ready to sleep. I am pretty exhausted from travelling (in both senses)... ahhh... but what a sweet exhaustion! I will definately be exploring the synergy of airplane travel and tryptamine travel again.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 2392
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 1, 2001Views: 55,928
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5-MeO-DiPT (57), GHB (25) : Large Group (10+) (19), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1)

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