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Pot? or Something Toxic?
by J
Citation:   J. "Pot? or Something Toxic?: An Experience with Cannabis (exp2416)". Oct 4, 2001.

  smoked Cannabis
My friend offered to smoke me up...I jumped on the opportunity. I had smoked pot about 5 times before but I had never had such a scary trip in my life. He lights up a blunt, takes a few hits, and passes it to me. I got about 5 good hits off the shit total. I was expecting to get the same effects of apathy and amazement as I have had in the past when I smoked weed. I was pleased at first; I laughed...I couldn't stop laughing...and then I felt sick.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I had trouble breathing. Anxiety started overwhelming me. My heart began to pound uncontrollably ten minutes afterwards. I thought I was having a panic attack. It got worse however. I fell on the ground crying, beating my hands against the grass in the middle of the park. My heart was beating so fast and hard that it began to sound like machine guns firing into my ears. A white haze fell over my eyes. I felt like I was poisoned or something. I heard terrible voices in my head, telling me I was going to die. I got up off the ground and started to run for help. My heart was coming out of my chest. I pondered in fear if I had accidentally smoked laced crack or pcp. I kept running and barely made it to the porch of some stranger's house. I begged them to call 911. Thankfully they did. I began having convulsions and the paramedics rushed me to the hospital. Needles were shoved in my arms and my heart was beating up to 160 beats per minute. Over about an hour or so, my heart calmed down and the doctor came in and said that only marijuana had showed up in my urine. However, he did suspect that it was laced with some industrial drug such as bug spray, or possibly some other kind of household product that was responsible for causing such an adverse reaction. Whatever the case was, I was lucky to be alive, he told me.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 2416
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 4, 2001Views: 29,938
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Cannabis (1) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Various (28)

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