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Nausea and Cramps
Morning Glory
Citation:   Monica. "Nausea and Cramps: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp24211)". Oct 6, 2004.

425 seeds oral Morning Glory
I have been looking for legal drugs for a while and was overjoyed to find info. I read up on the morning glory and decided I just had to do them since LSD was by far my favorite drug. Unfortunately, it was late fall and none of the plant stores and nurseries in the area had morning glory seeds. I was about to order them online when I decided to ask a friend of mine (she teaches horticulture at a local high school) if she had any seeds. Of course, she had a shoe box full of them and so I visited her at school one day and walked out with a grocery bag full of morning glory seeds and other seeds and bulbs that I planned on using in my garden.

I got home and ripped open three seed packets. I washed them and then tried to count them out. I stopped after 250 because it was extremely tedious. I don't know how many I took overall, but it was probably between 400 and 450. I decided to chew them and popped them in my mouth and began to chew. It was VILE! To this day I still shudder at the thought of the seeds and want to retch. After I chewed as many as I could over a thirty minute period I laid down on the couch and snuggled with my husband. We were watching TV when my stomach started to rebel (45 minutes after ingestion). I fought the nausea and continued watching TV. After five minutes it was all I could do to keep from vomiting. I chewed a couple of tums hoping to settle my stomach but it was the last straw. I ran to the bathroom and threw up a tasty batch of seeds mixed with mint tums. After I threw up I felt a million times better and went back to watch TV with my husband.

A short time later my joints began to cramp. I felt as if I was having growing pains and I became alarmed as the pain intensified. My husband became worried and then angry with me as he had advised me not to do them. I went to the bathroom and forced myself to vomit again, but not much came up. By this time, perhaps an hour after ingesting, I was miserable. I laid down in my bed with the lights off, the light hurt my eyes, and all I wanted to do was get up. I got up and all I wanted to do was lay back down. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do. As I lay in bed, I closed my eyes and tried to relax since I was beginning to panic about the coating the manufacturers put on the seeds. Could it be the cause? Was I going to really screw myself up? As I lay there with my eyes closed I began to see patterns and beautiful rainbow lines shooting around my eyelids. I began to relax and enjoy myself as much as possible. The effects lasted a while and I was finally able to sleep after about six hours.

If it hadn't been for the vomiting, stomach cramps, and joint cramps it would have been a pleasant experience. I liken it to coming down off an acid trip. The visuals were mild but enjoyable and I did have fun once I calmed myself down. I'll be experimenting with it again once my flowers bloom and go to seed. I planted several plants around my house and will take pleasure not only from their beautiful flowers but also from the harvest. I'm hoping I'll be able to enjoy the visuals without the horrible side effects and I admit that I am kind of nervous about trying it again. Also, I've got to find another way to ingest them. Perhaps I'll use my coffee grinder to grind them up and eat them in something. I'm not sure what yet. Something that will mask the texture and flavor. While fun, it is not an experience I'd like to repeat, but hey you've got to get back on the horse if you fall off and I did like the visuals. I'm hoping the next experience will be better. I will also use more seeds next time.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 24211
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 6, 2004Views: 18,404
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Morning Glory (38) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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