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Midsummer Catnip
Catnip & Tobacco
Citation:   Tussukala. "Midsummer Catnip: An Experience with Catnip & Tobacco (exp24653)". Jan 13, 2008.

3 joints/cigs smoked Various (plant material)
Bought some catnip for my kittykats, ran out of beer, so I thought, what the hell. I've been reading experiences online so I would give it a try. I made 3 quite big joints of catnip and tobacco, about half and half. As soon I smoked first joint, I fealt a somewhat intense head rush, just like smoking bad weed. I proceeded on the 2 other joints, the feeling got more intense, but nothing really special. I walked a bit around in the woods, noticed how beautiful the nature is (hey, in midsummer it IS beautiful). After I got in and started sitting on computer, I noticed a very very slight warping feeling, nothing much.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24653
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2008Views: 10,411
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