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A Great Combination
Skullcap, Damiana, & Cannabis
Citation:   Copperfox. "A Great Combination: An Experience with Skullcap, Damiana, & Cannabis (exp24744)". Jun 24, 2003.

2 bowls smoked Various
I have been experimenting with ethnobotanicals....the first few of witch were the easiest to find. I got a few things for very cheap at a local new age/wiccan store. For the most part I found a lot of the herbs too minor in effect to continue experimenting with. However scullcap is amaysing....I found that cuting my marijuana 1:1 with scullcap you will get almost twice the effect...which is good seeing as skullcap only costs a few dollars an ounce. Also smoking a daimia/skullcap mix will in itself give a nice (however short) buzz.

In my opinion skullcap has been unrightfully overlooked and should be welcomed as an additive in many experiments with ethnobotanicals.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24744
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 24, 2003Views: 13,281
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Cannabis (1), Damiana (107), Skullcap (232) : Not Applicable (38), Combinations (3)

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