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Voacanga africana, Alcohol, Cannabis & Benzodiazepine
Citation:   vocanga. "Uncomfortable: An Experience with Voacanga africana, Alcohol, Cannabis & Benzodiazepine (exp24826)". Dec 15, 2009.

7 seeds oral Voacanga africana (ground / crushed)
    oral Alcohol (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Ground seven voacanga seeds and ingested them after dinner. Felt very nice, warm relaxed open friendly. Drank some alcohol with a friend who also ingested 7 seeds. Smoked a joint.

Probably after an hour or so things became uncomfortable. I take antidepresant medication, and the serotonin enhancement from the seeds (maoi-effect?!) became to strong and my jaws started clenching very strongly. Because of the alcohol and cannabis, effects became too strong, and eventually I had to puke. My muscles where twitching and too tight.

I took a strong benzo and slept it out. Next day was fine. My friend had no such troubles and felt very nice and later went out dancing which was very nice he said, warm and open, trancy. Later experiments with less seeds gave me stimulation, high feeling, aphrodesiac effects.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24826
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 15, 2009Views: 7,657
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Voacanga africana (49) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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