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From the Outside
Salvia divinorum (10x extract), Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Crash. "From the Outside: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract), Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp24917)". Apr 11, 2007.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms  
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
This report is about a friend of mine, and how freaked out salvia can make you, even WITH trip sitters. Me, my friend Eggroll, and a couple other of my friends were literally squatting a girl friends house while her parents were gone. Needless to say, we had a few day long party.

This particular I had decided not to drink since I had drank half a liter of vodka and stumbled around in the streets only to be picked up by the cops. So I was just high and observing the 10-15 person party.

Eggroll had eaten the shrooms, chilled out, smoked, then left with some other friends to smoke while he was coming up. When he got back, he was in the thick of his shroom trip. His trip, as he told me, and as I saw was run-of-the-mill for an eigth. The weed was helping him and he was able to see all kinds of stuff.

I had just gotten some 10x salvia a few days prior and was anxious to trip some friends out. My friend Colly smoked it while drunk and raved about the tunnel he saw with green and red blobs floating along.

After letting him smoke, Eggroll wanted to do it. I loaded a large bowl of it for Colly and Eggroll. Eggroll took the first hit, held it in, and I observed. Note, it was only us 4 on the back porch of the house. Everyone else was drunk as hell and laughing inside.

He began saying 'What?' and 'Huh?' every couple seconds and stood up, only to sit back down on the stool. At this point I could tell he was being pulled out of reality. His eyes became very tripped out, and he walked over to me, sat down and asked 'What do you want me to do?' and with this, he squeezed my arm VERY intensely. I told him I wanted him to be silent and he let go. He sat for a little bit, then got up again and tried to open the door to get inside the house.

At the same time, another person was opening the door to get out. Eggroll was literally flung by door after it was open because he was still hanging on. He fell and everyone started laughing at him. The homeowner, Kat came to help him up and it took probably 20 seconds. I went inside with them two, and he began freaking out. He grabbed on to Kat talking some things I can't remember. He pulled her onto the couch very tightly. Kat naturally freaked out as she is not familiar with the substance. A few people were concerned with him, while the others just laughed at his 'druggie ass'.

He scared the shit out of himself, me, and Kat. Now, this is what happened to him during his trip as he told me.

He hit it, saw me put my head down in slow motion, and for a bit enjoyed the sensations he was having. However, as he came up he felt/saw his mind unravel in front of him and reality slipped away. He was in a line with what he called 'matrix kids' who he thought were others who were smoking salvia. Him and the other beings were throwing up/having pulled out of them this solid mass. He could feel it being pulled out of him and thought he was in the land of the dead. He was freaking out while he was being talked to. After escaping the land of the dead, he told me it was the craziest and most terrified experience he had ever had. Damn,we have some crazy times. Respect the drugs.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24917
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 11, 2007Views: 5,896
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Large Group (10+) (19), Second Hand Report (42), Guides / Sitters (39), Bad Trips (6), General (1)

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